First Impression Friday: Freeman Face Masks

So I just picked up a couple of Freeman Face masks that I've been dying to try and I thought I would test them out and tell you my thoughts on them.

How I'm going to do this is use one one night, Tell you my initial thoughts and then anything I notice, like improvements I notice or anything like that and a little bit about the claims of each mask. I've already tried the Avacado Oatmeal Mask, which I love so hopefully I'll love these too. If not, its fine cause they were less than $3 at Harmon... so no real skin off my back.

I picked up the Charcoal and Black Sugar polishing mask. I was excited to try this because I loved the Origins Charcoal mask sample I got from Sephora and if this compares to that at all and its drugstore... that would be totally awesome. So there is that. I also got the Golden Grain Facial Brightening mask. That just seems like an interesting concept to me and I'm curious to see how exactly it brightens.

I'm going to try the Charcoal mask first because I kind of feel like I know what to expect because of the Origins one. With the origins mask I felt a difference immediately after taking the mask off pretty much. My face felt smooth and all the blackheads and bumpyness were gone and it stayed that way pretty much for a week... so that was a good mask to use once a week as opposed to twice a week or daily or anything like that. I had used the Avacado Oatmeal mask daily in the past and that was fine. Both of these masks say "twice a week or as often as needed." So yeah. These are pretty safe I think.

Okay this is... odd. I'm not sure if I did it right or not. I saw on the directions that it has a scrubbing benefit to it as well but I didn't expect it to be a straight up scrub on the skin. It looks like a scrub in texture when you apply it. I have a pic of it on my face and a pic of a tiny bit on my finger.

You see how its kind of scrubby and salty looking? I guess that is the Black Sugar that is in it. Right now I'm wearing it and it feels a lot like a mask... its such an odd feeling. I would say it feels more like a mask drying on my skin right now than a scrub that I didn't clean off... which is how I thought it would feel once I saw the texture. This is so weird! The directions say to leave this on for 5-7 minutes... I think I'll leave it on for 10 just to be nice and even. When you wipe it off you aren't supposed to just wipe it off like a regular mask, the directions say to massage it into the skin for a minute or two.

The mask also smells really good and kind of fruity. It tingles just a little tiny bit and it has kind of a cooling effect on my face. I really like the way that it feels so far, even if the application is a little bit messy.

I also applied a little to my neck. I don't always do that, but its winter and my neck is kind of dry, so I thought it would be useful.

Just took it off and that felt really really good. It was super messy to take off and it took me quite some time, but right now my skin feels very smooth and very good. I just used my Simple Moisturizing Face Wash before using it and then I put this on. I kind of want to try this as just a scrub too... maybe later in the week I'll do that.

It is a little harsh, I would take it off carefully. I just rubbed it in with my hands and then wiped it off with paper towels. The paper towels were kind of harsh, maybe next time I won't do that and I'll just wash it off with my hands but yeah. My face feels really refreshed right now. I did keep it on for 10 minutes, but it felt a little itchy after 7, so yeah the directions on the thing work. I also rubbed a bit onto my lips... which is probably a bad idea. I made sure I didn't ingest any of it, I didn't even have my mouth open but thats kind of dumb so don't do that.

This is also super messy, so not something I would recommend to do in the morning or anything like that. I'm still feeling the scrub in areas and I was pretty careful taking it off.

And this is random, but on the back of most beauty products theres a little open container with a number on it and the letter M. I just recently found out this informs you how long the product will be good for and this says 36 months on it! That seems like a really long time for a skin care product.

(I know this because Graveyardgirl just posed a video on youtube about this. Powder products may last longer than the suggested timeline depending on how often you use it and clean your brushes and all that... so take that little thing with a grain of salt, if you're worried like I am and you're like "what I can't get rid of any of my eyeshadow palettes!!! Lol.)

So yeah. Overall good impression on that so far I will update if it looks better or worse!

Update: It looks good! I actually put some BB Cream over it just to see if it applied nicely and how it looked and it looks really good right now. It is slightly removed because I have allergies and I put a washcloth over them. Other than that all good! I did use a moisturizer after (because you should do that anyway lol.) And it helped a lot too. I felt my chin, which is usually the dryest part was maybe a little harsh on and that helped quite a bit.

And now its the next night and I decided to try on the Golden Grain Facial Brightening mask. I'm probably not going to see immediate results for this one, But I'll talk a little about it anyways. It smells a little citrusy which made me nervous because citrus makes me sneeze... I don't think this will make me sneeze or break out or anything because its so light. The mask itself is very sheer and a pretty golden... I have a pic but it doesn't show up that well. I didn't put this on my neck... now I feel like I should have. But maybe that can help me see the actual results. My face might look all glowy and my neck will look blehhh.
 (this is the mask, not a booger, I swear its actually pretty and non boogery looking IRL lol.) 

This feels regular on my face... I feel like this is something I could use maybe more than once a week and I'd probably only use the charcoal mask once a week.

I also kind of want to note, I've never heard anything about this mask. I tried the Avacado mask a long time ago on my own will and I liked that.... but the only other Freeman Masks I've heard any buzz about are the Charcoal and the Chocoalte Strawberry. I kind of want to try them all cause they have great claims and they're inexpensive... but yeah. Just thought I'd mention.

Okay so that was a lot easier to take off. I wasn't really expecting to see like a huge difference right after using it, but actually when I looked in the mirror I looked like I had a highlighter on and I don't have any make up on right now... so I guess thats probably from the mask.

My skin feels a little sticky right now but kind of smooth and hydrated. I'm actually going to take some and put it on my neck and undereyes now because why not. I didn't put any on my undereyes and I have some dark circles... so this may help. It's a little messy and gelly. I don't know if its supposed to be that way or if I got an old an melted one, but yeahhhh.

Overall I think these masks are really great. I like the Charcoal one more than I like the Glamglow one that I've tried. Although I think its not necessarily hydrating the way the Glamglow one is supposed to be. I feel slightly more hydrated with the Grain mask... so yeah. Definitely recommend these masks, the most expensive I've seen them is like 4.99 I think and the cheapest is like less than $3. These also go on sale at Ulta a lot for buy one get one free, so I'd totally recommend these during those sales.

Hope this was helpful!

