Try Again Thursday: Update

So... I've used all of the products at least twice... most more than that, but I'm going to do some more reviews and let you know what I think/ if I feel any better or worse about them.

First up, I'm proud to announce I finished one of these products! And it was the one I was closest to finishing and made a point to put it in this Try Again Thursday... Its the St. Ive's Spray moisture in Coconut and Orchid. I liked this, I don't think I'm going to repurchase it any time soon... but I would like to try another spray moisturizer. I don't know if this did a whole lot, at one point I thought it was breaking me out a bit... but it smelled nice and I like the concept. I have very sensitive legs, so that might be why. Idk. Like I said, good not great. Its easy to go through a lot really fast.

One product I really like but I think I only used once is the Stila Mint Julep Smudgestick. To be fair, I used this like right before I put it in this try again, so I was trying to get it back in my routine. These are really nice and creamy and they stay in the waterline pretty good, but also work on the lower lashline and even on the top lashline if you so desired... I used this in my waterline, but I remember I used to just use it on the bottom lashline... which is probably a better use to be honest. I think I'll be using this a little more even though it isn't the most wearable. I've also had this for a while and its not dry at all. I think it says it lasts a year.

I also used the Maybeline Lust for Blush a little bit... I think I used it once and put it in my purse and forgot about it. Maybe this isn't working as well as I thought lol. But this is a good product, I would definitely buy more. Its a nice everyday neutral pink color. Its a really comfortable matte formula also, I definitely recommend these.

I've used the L'oreal Emergency recovery mask for your hair more lately... I think its been helping. I love my other L'oreal hair mask, but I think it helps to change the hair mask from time to time. I love L'oreal hair products and this is definitely a favorite of mine.

The Tarte Lights Camera Lashes is a good mascara, but I feel like mine was bothering me a bit or drying out a little fast or something. I love the way it lengthens, but I'm pretty sure I used it the other day and had one normal lash and one wonky weird lash. It wasn't cute and it was a little hard to work with. And I really liked this when I first got it... but it just got a little weird.

The Maybeline Highlight blush was really good! I used the Tea Rose color, I don't think I used the bronzer at all. I thought I would like this least of all because I've tried so many better blushes since trying this... but this is still nice and adds just the right amount of color. I think out of all the blushes I have, this is my least favorite... but I love the multi-purposeness of it all. Its easy to use and just looks nice on the cheeks.

The Avacado Oatmeal mask from Freeman is another thing I was a little worried about not liking, but it turned out to be really good. Since I've tried other masks, I didn't know if this would quite do what I wanted of it... but it actually made my skin feel smooth and really soft. I like using this at night, leaving it on for a bit, and then using my Tarte Maricuja Oil when I go to bed... it just makes my skin really soft and feel renewed and fresh. I dig it!

I used the new Maybeline Master Prime with the Covergirl Ready Set Gorgeous foundation and it worked AMAZINGLY well. The foundation just glided on perfectly and it looked really nice and illuminated too. It also blurred my pores really well.

And last but not least the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette. I love this palette, its a really easy to use and wearable... but its hard to use. Does that make sense? I feel like I always go for the same shades. And this time, I really tried some different shades in it and i really wanted to like it more than my Lorac Pro 2... but I just didn't. I will say that this palette is more neutral than the Lorac Pro 2 and its a lot more neutral toned... but I need to play around with this way more. I think I'm going to do a faces of the week with this because I love Too Faced, I love this palette and the formula of the eyeshadows is amazing. But I reach for the Lorac one more often because I barely have to take time coming up with looks for that... and the shadows are super SUPER easy to work with. I have my go to look and it takes like 5 minutes to do... and if I venture and do something else, it still doesn't take very long. Its just perfect.

So yeah, that is everything. Clearly I need to use these all a little more before I go picking my next items, but yeah... thats kind of what I think of everything. Lol.

