I Wore Blue Lipstick Out All Night... Here's What Happened (Too Faced Who's Zoomin Who)

So for Halloween I dressed up as a Witch and I thought the perfect addition to that look was a blue lipstick... and I had Too Faced's Who's Zoomin Who just lying around- hadn't used it yet for a long amount of time... but I liked it enough to buy it... so I used it for Halloween and I really liked it!

When I first tried the Melted Matte formula it wasn't my favorite liquid lipstick formula... but I have to say... I'm liking it a little bit better. It dries down really fast, it's comfortable... and it doesn't wear the best... but this particular lipstick lasted pretty well!

I did reapply it a few times throughout the night- Luckily the bar we went to had a big bathroom, so whenever I went to the bathroom or waited for a friend to get out- I would reapply... and it didn't get too too messy throughout the night.

It did smudge a little bit outside my upper lip line... I didn't check it as often as I really should have been checking it- but no one acted like I had lipstick outside of my lipline... I think if it had been really bad and my friends had seen it they would have said something... I think maybe I was shouting or something and it smudged a little at the top towards the end of the night... not quite sure... but I was still fairly impressed with how it looked all night.

I think I reapplied it 2 or 3 times... I didn't remove the lipstick completely- I just applied it over the parts that needed touching up... so I think that might have made it a little messy... but it would have been even messier had I used lipstick remover or something.

So yeah... didn't have too many reactions to it with people liking it or hating it...my friends liked it... my mom and grandmother probably thought it was weird... my dad didn't see it but he wouldn't have liked it either lol. But overall I thought it was cute and I felt fun and confident in it!

So that's it... hope this was kind of helpful!
