A Very Weird OOTD

Soooo... this OOTD is a little odd... very casual and kind of cool and different... but it also looks a little too much and a little crazy... but I also kind of love it- so I'm going to tell you guys about it.


My top is from The Disney Store. Unfortunately my Disney Store closed... but fortunately- it was 60% off! So I got this Avengers shirt. It has all of the Avengers on it. I guess it's for Infinity War- which I haven't seen yet but I'm excited for! But yeah- I've seen all the individual movies and I like them all. Black Panther is my favorite I think... I'm reviewing them all on my other blog- The Daily Something! So check that out- I do Marvel Mondays if you like Marvel!


I have these paint splattered looking jeans with white paint and they have holes all in them and I just think they're really cool and they look different and good with this shirt. I just like it a lot!


For my earrings I have these long dangly earrings from Forever 21. I have this choker from somewhere... I have no idea where it is from someone gave it to me lol. And I have these sunglasses that I got from American Eagle that are kind of funky and I just needed sunglasses and I didn't have any... so I bought them while I was out and wore them and I was like "Well... this is a Lewk!" Lol.

So I hope you guys like this odd look! I think it's pretty cool and different even though there is a lot going on!

