Frugal, Fancy, Fragrance, Fashion, Favorites Friday (12.21.18)

Alright- here are my favorites for the week! I didn't wear a lot of makeup this week... but I still have some favorites I think.


I think for my frugal favorite I've been liking the Maybelline Master Prime Blur and Smooth primer. This is just what I've been grabbing for lately... it helps my makeup last all day.

So for the fanciness I've been liking the PUR Grinch palette... I think it's called the good enough to steal palette... I forget. I think this is a fun palette- its super cute and decorative for christmas and I just like the eyeshadow looks I got with it this week.

Spiced Gingerbread from Bath and Body Works. I just took a bath and used this shower gel and it was amazing. Already talked about my Epsom Salts yesterday... so you know that already... but yeah. This is good!

I went to Old Navy this week and got a lot of great stuff... and I also ordered some things from Hollister too... which I've only ever bought one thing from... so yeah. This was good!

I really love The Great American Baking Show: Holiday Edition. I didn't end up watching it last year- so I'm happy to finally be watching it again and the finale is on right now and I'm excited!

