Shop My Stash: Bath and Body Works Holiday Edition

I've been too enough Bath and Body Works sales to have my own personal Bath and Body Works... so I'm going to pick out some scents for Winter and I'm going to maybe try to use them up and pick different ones for spring... idk I just want to use these for right now and see what happens.

First off is the Pumpkins... Salted Caramel Pumpkin, Pumpkin Cupcake, and Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte. I think my favorite is the Salted Caramel Pumpkin! These all smell really nice and sweet and not too pumpkiny cause the other scents kind of cut that. I love Pumpkin treats and these all smell like really nice pumpkin treats! I don't always love the smell of pumpkin on its own- but I love the smells of the other treats!

I also have 2 Gingerbread scents. One is from Bath and Body Works and one is from Avon. I prefer the one from Avon... but they both smell really great and christmasy. I think the Avon one has cuter packaging too!

I have another classic one here: Vanilla Bean Noel! This one is perfect! It isn't too Christmasy or Wintery- it's just Vanilla-y and sweet. I like this more than their regular Warm Vanilla Sugar scent. It's also a great gift because it looks christmas-y but you can still use it all year!

And last but not least- Magic in The Air! This is a cleaner floral type of scent that smells really good and I just kind of forgot about it. Whenever I want something a little more wintery and clean and not as sweet. I forget what the notes on this are exactly and I'm not sure if this one is still regularly sold at Bath and body works... but I'm sure they have something similar.

That is everything! I was happy to do this so that I could remember to use some scents I haven't used in a while... and I really like these!

