Before Work Routine- July 2020

Okay... so this is kind of my pamper routine in the morning or before I go into work. This is just kind of when I do have some time before work- this is what I do. If I don't... I'll just kind of get dressed... sometimes do makeup and get out the door... but usually I'll do a little more. Ohhh and obviously EVERYDAY I brush my teeth and wear deodorant. 

So I wake up and usually I wash my face. I use the St. Ive's Cleansing Stick and the St. Ive's Coffee Scrub. And then to moisturize I've just started using the Wake n Bake Oil from Beauty Bakerie. 

I let that sit a little while... usually now I'll eat a little something for breakfast, have some coffee, get dressed. Usually I lay out my clothes before going to work so that it's really easy in the morning... but if I don't that's okay too. Sometimes I go out on our porch to see what the weather is like before getting dressed. 

So after getting dressed I'll do my makeup. If I used the Oil and it wasn't quite long enough to sit on my face- I'll do my eye makeup first and if it has been long enough I'll do my face makeup first. 

And I usually chose some accessories- like earrings and a necklace if I have time and I'll spray a body spray or a perfume and I'll leave. 

Ohhh also I like to play a little bit of Animal Crossing- usually just to check the morning prices of my Turnips and eventually I'd like to do Yoga in the morning before I go into work... but right now I've been doing it on my days off or after work like I did today... I'm trying to do an older 30 days of Yoga challenge from Yoga with Adrienne- right now I'm doing her 2015 videos because... that's just what came up when I googled Yoga for Beginners. 

Alright that is everything! Tomorrow I'm going to post my after work routine... so yeah! 

