Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Haul

 Alright- so on Monday I saw that there was a sale for the Bath and Body Works Aromatherpy Collection- so I ordered online and got everything on Wednesday! Definitely a record for Bath and Body Works! 

I got one of their Epsom Salts in the Eucalyptus Spearmint Stress Relief scent. This scent is really good and relaxing. I like the way these feel too. Nothing can quite compare to the ones from The Mad Optimist... but I feel like these ones are going to last me a lot longer than those ones did as I'm already finished with those Epsom Salts. So I've liked these so far and I'm happy to have something else other than my Dr. Teal's... which I also love! 

I got one of their room spray's too and I also got the Stress Relief Eucalyptus Spearmint scent. This one I sprayed and at first I didn't really like the smell that much or I thought I sprayed too much and it smelled kind of like a cleaning product... but I liked how the smell lingered and I feel like I can still smell it on my pajamas now. It smells really nice and it is relaxing. 

I got 2 of the lotions, one in the Zen Garden scent and one is the Restore scent. I think I've used the Restore shower gel before and I've really liked it. It's a sage and mint scent that is nice, relaxing and it does make me feel calm. The mint is really strong and I just like it. Zen Garden I've never had before but I think it's a little sweeter. It is Mimosa, Pink Pepper and Ylang Ylang. It's interesting and I like it but I haven't really used it much yet. 

I also got the shower gel in Zen Garden, Stress Relief and Hot Spring Spa. The Hot Springs Spa scent is probably my favorite right now... it smells very warm and relaxing. It almost smells like a men's cologne too- idk why but I like it a lot. It's relaxing. I also like the Stress Relief- but this one is Eucalyptus Tea, not Eucalyptus Spearmint... so that's different and I still didn't use Zen Garden.


