Fall Favorites Tag

Saw this tag on BeautyBaby44's channel and I thought hey lets give this a try since I don't have many other ideas for today lol.

Beauty Favorites 
1) Favorite Face Product- I've been loving the L'oreal Truematch Lumi foundation. This is kind of an always favorite, not Fall specific really, but it's nice in the Fall because it gives a nice glow. I don't usually do bronzer, highlighter and blush, I usually just use this and blush and it gives me a more dewey finish. I think in Fall I'll be even less likely to do anything like that, so this is good for glowyness.

2) Favorite Cheek Product- I've really been liking the Maybeline Master Hi-light in the shade Pink Rose. Again, its a highlighter and a blush so it gives a double effect for my face and its pretty and just a good color. Especially for Fall and Winter I think.

3) Eye Product- The Two Faced Chocolate Bar Palette has been my most reached for as of lately. It has so many pretty colors for fall and it's good year round... but I love it in the fall. It's an awesome palette and I've really been enjoying it lately!

4) Lip Product- This isn't something I wear everyday, but my Buxum lipgloss in the color Star. It's this really nice shimmery burgandy type of color... super pigmented and it's just really great for this time of year!

5) Hair Product- My newest hair discovery. The L'oreal Evercream leave in spray. This is made from angel tears or something amazing and pure because it is amazing. (although I guess if an angel is crying thats a bad thing.) But yeah. This stuff is the best.

6) Fragrance/Candle- I don't use candles, but I use Bath and Body Works Wallflowers and I kind of love Pumpkin Pecan Waffles and Pumpkin cupcake and all the pumpkin stuff basically. Right now I have pumpkin apple cider in and I really really like it. It's very nice.

And I love Bath and Body Works Comfort. Fairly obvious fave!

7) Nail Polish- I have too many that I like for fall... I may have to do a whole other thing on that because I have so many...but a lot are limited edition so idk! One that isn't limited edition that I think is worth a look is Wet N Wild's Megalast in Disturbia. It's really dark and vampy and pretty. I love the formula and brush on these polishes and they're so cheap!

Fall Fashion Faves 

1) Trendy Clothing Item- My awesome Leather Jacket! I guess these aren't trendy.... they are pretty classic. But it's trendy for Fall I think. I got mine at New York and Company. It's super warm and looks super cool and badass. I feel like Han Solo in it.

2) Comfy Clothing Item- Leggings! I got this pair from American Eagle that has a nice floral lacey print and I just think they look really cool and different. I like them a lot.

3) Shoes- Ugg Boots. If you hate Uggs... we can't be friends. Specifically I love the black sparkly kind and I have a blue knit kind that I also love. These are comfy and pretty and I just really really like them. I actually get a ton of compliments on them too and I feel like these are kind of my signature shoe if you will.

4) Accessory- This is tough... I guess I like wearing beanies and cardigans and I've been liking longer necklaces and skull earrings are usually a go to this time of year as well. I don't have any real specific favorites, but those are a few things I like.

Fun Favorites 
1) Halloween or Thanksgiving- Halloween! Duhhh!

2) Favorite Festive Food or Drink- There are very few fall foods and drinks I don't like. I'm sure you're well aware of my obsession with pumpkin by now... but I'll say I recently tried Blue Moon's Pumpkin Spice Beer. That was really good. I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I like Blue Moon and the Pumpkin flavor was good.  

3) What's the happiest part about fall for you- My Birthday is in fall! It's October 16th, so obviously Fall is my favorite month! I love it!
