Glamglow mask- First Impression

So I'm not quite sure that First Impressions of skin care products are really a thing... but I thought why not try doing one and I will keep you updated with my experience using it.

On Saturday I went to Sephora and picked up a sample size of the Glamglow hydrating mask... I'm not sure the technical name for it, it comes in a blue package and it's supposed to be more for dry skin. I have drier skin, I think most of the glamglow line is for oily skin, but this is for drier skin. I also don't think I had ever seen this particular one in the sample size before, so I was super excited. Glamglow masks are like $69... and I'm not about that life... so I opted for the sample size.

I just used a thin layer of this all over my face last night. I didn't think I'd really need to use too much and its a small size, so I didn't really want to waste anything. I think you can take this off after 10 minutes, I've heard people say leaving this on overnight is amazing and I was planning on doing that... but it was starting to tingle a little too much after like 20-30 minutes, so I took it off. It did seem like my face was a little smoother, it seemed a little softer, it looked a little glowy right after I took it off... but nothing amazing happened. I usually get dry and red around my chin and I get pretty insecure about that and think I look like a dummy... That didn't really help any.  It still feels pretty dry around that area and really that is the driest part of my skin where make up tends to look the worst... so I wasn't super impressed.

And I'm not saying that this was totally bad... but it isn't the best mask I've ever tried. A few months ago I tried a sample of the Origins Charcoal Mask and I thought that was absolutely amazing. After using that my face looked really good and felt really good. A full size of that mask is like $26. Not that much more expensive than this little sample! And like I've seen the full size and they come in these ridiculous packaging that is probably what you're really paying for! This didn't come in a box or anything, it just came in a tiny glass jar and it was $19. It can't be that expensive to make the mask itself, package it differently so that I can actually afford it lol.

And I know it can't just magically make my skin better... but if I had paid $69 for a full size, I would want instant results that are better than the results I got. I had instant results with the Origins, this one just wasn't as good.

Also, I should just point this out... I don't think I'm exactly Glamglow's target client. I think its mostly geared towards more mature skin and I am 23. I know that its good to use skincare stuff for anti aging and stuff before you show signs of aging... but if you're in your early 20s, have no job and are still in school... This isn't exactly the #1 thing you need to be spending money on.

It smelled good, and it felt good while it was on my skin. You really don't need a whole lot of it to go a long way... so those are some positives but it just wasn't the most amazing thing I've ever tried. I do kind of like it, I'll continue to use it and I would even reconsider buying the sample size again in the future... but it isn't the most amazing thing I've ever tried and I would definitely not purchase the full size.

I think that's pretty much it. When I woke up today I thought my skin really didn't look any different and I thought this was a bunch of crap... but throughout the day I can feel that it is actually smooth and soft and hydrated. Its a good thing to have for special occassions or something... but still I just like the Origins mask so much!

Hope this was somewhat helpful!
