Review/ First Impressions: St Ives Products!

So I was recently given some products from St. Ives from influenster for reviewing purposes and testing purposes... and I thought what a better way to end skin care week than by testing these out and talking about them here! (These were given to me for free... influenster is a great service anyone can sign up for, not a sponsorship these are my own opinions.)

Slight overview of the products 
So St. Ives is a more natural brand. There are no parabens in any of these products They are dermatologist tested and do not contain animal ingredients. So thats good. On the back where they have the "Our Philosophy" part it says "St. Ives is dedicated to bringing you the best of nature with formulas that delight the senses as they leave your skin with a radiant, soft and fresh feel." Kind of a generic phrase... but whatever lol.

Nourishing and Smoothing Oatmeal Scrub and Mask 
St. Ives is kind of known for their apricot scrub and I think I've tried that before. I've also used their oatmeal shower gel... at the time my legs were pretty bad and bumpy and I was using that to cure it... but then it got worse and I think I attributed it to the Oatmeal Wash and never repurchased it... but I'm pretty sure now that that probably wasn't it. I was probably just shaving with a dull blade or something. But yeah. I didn't really know what to expect from this because of that.

As a scrub... this was a little weird and different than I expected... but I think that will work out better for me actually. This wasn't just a scrub it was very creamy. It still exfoliated my face really well, but it was creamy and it wasn't too harsh or anything. I do like my Garnier Blackhead scrub, but that can sometimes be a little rough on my chin and this I could actually exfoliate my chin with and not get any dryness. So that was really good.

As a mask... 
I didn't see much of a point of using this as a mask... but its nice if you use it that way in the shower. I just washed my face with the purity cleanser and then I put this on and just left it on and then I washed it off before I got out of the shower and it was nice. I think I may continue using this in the shower as a mask because I kind of like doing that.

Further Review 
I had some dryness on my chin from the Origins original skin mask, I took it off a little too harshly. This really helped with that dryness! I also have used it as a mask a few times and it really does help with dryness... so this is an amazing exfoliant if you have dry skin! I feel like I've finally found my soul mate or something!

Refresh and Revive Pear Nectar and Soy Body Lotion 

The Packaging 
I feel like I need to mention that this has a pump to it. That can be a good or a bad thing for lotion. With lotions like Gold Bonds the pump clogs up the lotion and then its hard to get the last bits out. This lotion is a little thinner, so I think the pump will work a little better and that makes it nice and easy.

I think this is a new product because this is the only one that says new on the label... there are products that have been around forever that still say "New" on the label... so idk how that claim works... but this one was the only of the three that said that, so I'm guessing its the newest.

The First Impression 
This smells absolutely amazing. I just put it on. I had some dry spots on my shoulder that I was focusing on... and to be honest right now its kind of stinging that area. I'll check tomorrow to see if it went down any I literally just put it on... but other than that no extra itchiness or anything. If you have really dry skin or you have eczema I don't think this lotion is going to work the best... just because it is scented and it is stinging my arm a little now... and I think it would make my legs itchy if my legs were really dry. Now they're slightly itchy... I don't know if I can say that is the St. Ives lotion or if its just cause I keep typing the word itchy and that makes me more itchy... Idk as of right now I would say pass on this cause its not doing much... but like I said I literally just put it on. so I will check in tomorrow.


Even and Bright Pink Lemon and Mandarin Exfoliating Body Wash 

This scent is really nice and I'm really curious about the exfoliating aspect to this. It smells very citrusy and that can bother me when I'm in the bath or the shower. It sometimes makes me sneeze... so this may bother me... I'm hoping it doesn't because the exfoliating aspect sounds really nice... but if it bothers me I'm passing it along. I'll try to explain the best I can how the exfoliating aspect works.

The Packaging 
This is huge for a body wash! It has 24 oz. Bath and Body Works shower gels are 10 oz, a full sized Philosophy body wash is 16 oz... this is pretty big! That being said, depending on the consistency of this, it may be something I'd actually use up faster than the Philosophy shower gel. Philosophy shower gels are pretty creamy, so it usually takes a while to go through one. This might be more gel-y and lighter so it might not take me quite as long.

First Impression 
So I haven't actually used it in the shower yet but when I was sniffing it some came out on my hand and I did feel exfoliating beads in there. My wrists sometimes get a little dry, so I just rubbed it on there and it felt nice and smooth... so I like that aspect of it!

Using it 
So this didn't bother me, I used it in the shower... I feel like if I took a bath it might bother me a little bit. But in the shower the scent didn't bother me... and I liked it. I took a shower really early in the morning today and this helped wake me up and it felt nice with the exfoliating beads. I felt them quite a bit and I thought they weren't too abrasive... but it felt good. Its good if you don't shave every day and your skin gets a little itchy on the days that you don't shave... this is good! I surprisingly liked it a lot!

I feel like this made me more of a morning person and I really liked it! I think its a good shower gel. I liked it a lot!

Upon further use... 
I did actually use it in the bath a couple of times and it did not bother me at all! So this is pretty good! Maybe i need to dabble into citrus scents more... maybe this isn't as perfumey as others that bother me... not sure, either way this one happens to work and I like it! It is good!

So overall... my favorite things of this bunch so far are the Scrub and the Body Wash... didn't love the lotion, but that just might be harder to measure because I need to try that a little more before giving the full impression of it... but it didn't feel to thick or greasy on me... so thats a good thing!

Hope this was helpful! Byeeee! I'll be back later with an OOTD.
