Random Makeup Chat: Philosophies, Trends I don't get, Weird Quirks

So I thought I'd do something a little bit different today... I'm just going to talk about all the makeup related things that I never really get to talk about because I'm doing a review or a how to-sday or something serious. So... you can probably tell by the title what I'll be discussing here... so yeah.

Let's start out with my current makeup philosophy. My favorite part of doing my makeup is highlighter... and that is because if I see someone I don't like I want my cheekbones to glow. Like I never like having just a plain cheekbone and seeing someone I don't like... I want you to see my cheekbones for miles. So I highlight for my enemies... I don't have enemies... maybe Gwen Stefani... and like one other person I just don't like... but anyway... Lol. I like to glow.

Some trends I don't get... this one I guess I get, and I could do if I really felt like it... but Baking... I just don't really want to deal with it. I feel like there is probably some purpose that makes it look amazing... but its just not something I'm going to do. I don't think you need to do it unless you're on instagram... idk. It doesn't make sense to me.

Weird Quirks... When I use a shade or a palette that has a song to go with it... I will get that song stuck in my head... and sometimes its a problem. For example, the Nyx Butt Naked Underneath It All Palette, I'll get Underneath it all by No Doubt stuck in my head... which sucks because I have horrible luck anytime I hear Gwen Steefani or No Doubt... so thats not fun. And then in the Lorac Unzipped Cheeks palette there is a shade called Unimaginable... one of my favorite blushes ever... and there is a very emotional song in Hamilton called The Unimaginable... and if that song doesn't make you cry idk what will. So when I use this blush I'm like "If you see him on the street, walking to himself talking to himself have pity. He's going through the Unimaginable." And then just wanting to sob. So... yeah. Lol. Thats a weird little quirk.

Also... Nail polish names... I just got one from the New Orleans collection from OPI called Show Us Your Tips... really? Lol. Thats just bad to me. Ohhh and speaking of the New Orleans collection... When I got 2 at Ulta they gave me a cuff... and it stunk! It stunk so bad and I'm trying to get the stink off... idk if its worth it or not though... I may end up throwing it out because I have it in a drawer right now and whenever I open up that drawer it is very potent and it stinks and makes me want to gag... so if I can't salvage that its getting thrown out cause its not really my style and if I'm that repulsed by the smell... I can't wear that out in public. Lol.

