Frugal Friday (Mostly) Elf Cosmetics Makeup Look FTW

I've seen a lot of youtubers doing videos that are "All Elf Makeup Looks" or "ALL Wet n Wild Makeup Looks" and then they put "Fail!" right after the video... and I kind of have a problem with that. I use Elf and Wet n Wild quite a lot and I think as long as you know what to buy and what to avoid, you're makeup will turn out great. Elf is a huge brand, they have so many products released all the time that if you can't afford much makeup... just get some elf makeup and you can definitely just use that for full faced everyday makeup looks. Even their skincare is good, so you could get pretty much a whole beauty routine from Elf and everything would work. There are some things that I don't think would work and I'm not using them in this look... but overall... Elf is a good brand. It's fine to bash an Elf product if it's really bad... but the majority of their stuff works for me and it's just not something that I would say is a fail. It's something you can get just as great a look of as other products... and it just kind of makes me mad because these youtubers aren't saying "Fail" because it's a terrible look... they're saying "Fail" so that you click on the video. If I can get a decent look using all elf products, anyone can! So... there's my little rant. I'm not sponsored, I make no money from this at all... so yeah. Just my 2 cents!


Primer- Maybelline Master Prime. I just said the whole thing about Elf being pretty good... the makeup artist from my sister's wedding used an Elf Primer... but I didn't have one on hand. I have their setting spray... but I'm not sure where it is...and I used to have the moisture conditioner and that started to smell and I didn't use it enough to repurchase it... so the Maybelline one wins. 

Foundation- Elf Flawless Finish

Contour- The Elf Contour Palette! I used the Contour and then the bronzer shade. 

Blush- The shimmeriest shade in the Light Blush Palette. It looks sort of like a pinker version of Nars Orgasm. 

Highlight- The Top Right shade in the Illuminating Palette. 


Base- Elf Smudgepot in Crusin Chic. I did put a shadow over it from the Elf Prism Palette in Sunset... not sure if that showed up or not... there was some hardpan on idk if I really got any pigment... but the elf smudge pots are really nice bases. 

Crease- The grey color that is the second to last in the Elf Mad for Matte Palette 

Outer Corner- The Black Color in the Mad for Matte Palette. 

Mascara- L'oreal Voluminous. I didn't have an Elf one and I haven't heard very good things about their mascara... so just spend a few more bucks and get the L'oreal. 

Lips- Elf X-Tra Lipgloss in Michael. This is one of my favorite colors and no one ever talks about these. 

That being said about my big rant at the top... my eyes do hurt a little now... lol. I don't necessarily think that is the makeup's problem... I think it's allergies or something... but still thought I would mention it. I still stand by what I said, Elf is a great brand. It's not a fail by any stretch of the word... and if I can make it work, anyone can! 

