The Z Palette Scandal- why I'm not buying Z Palettes

So... I might have done this before... I think I've typed it up but I've never actually posted one of these... but now I'm posting these. Makeup and beauty blogging is kind of a hobby for me... I'm not worried about these brands not liking me or blocking me on anything... these are some shady brands that are pretty unprofessional so... I'm not worried about ever doing business with them or anything... its just something I need to mention. If someone is asking why I'm not reviewing a certain brand... this is probably why.

So, before this Z Palette scandal really leaked, I was unfollowing people from Instagram that I don't think I can support... and I'll get back to that... this isn't something I do lightly... if something works for me, it works for me and I'll like to continue using it... but these things just don't sit well with me.

So Z Palette came out with a product to depot eyeshadows called the Z Potter. You can watch the video right here. To put it simply... it looks identical to a hot plate. Maybe it isn't a hot plate... maybe it's amazing and totally worth the $80 price tag... but it isn't exactly a necessity. I'm sure this product has a practical use for a lot of people... but $80 is a lot of money and you can do the same thing on your stove or on a hot plate if you wanted to... not a necessity for everyone. And a lot of people were commenting on this when Trendmood posted it... because it just seemed like a laughable unnecessary and unnecessarily expensive product.

So there are a couple ways that Z Palette could have handled a situation like this. 1) Demonstrate your product in use... show consumers why this is better than a hot plate or a stove. I'm sure most people that would buy it will still buy it and most people that wouldn't buy it wouldn't buy it. 2) They could troll people. Insult their intelligence, insult them based on their money and the amount of money they are willing to spend on a product like this.

Z Palette chose option 2... which wasn't the best option. They said things like "You look like a cheap date" "You live in a dorm room, that might be a stretch on your budget." "It's not that it's too expensive, it's that you can't afford it." It just seemed like they were hacked... and that's what everyone was assuming... but then the founder Zena Shteysel was also commenting on it too... I haven't seen those comments.... so I don't exactly know what she said... but she chimed in similarly... and people were like "Wow... they weren't hacked at all?" And the Z Palette Instagram issued a statement saying that they were defending their product...

I'm all for defending their product... but that isn't the way to do it. They should demonstrate it. To me, this just alienated their customers that are not professional makeup artists. The actual Z Palettes are good products, they have a purpose in anyone's collection. They fit a lot of eyeshadows, so you can put all your makeup geek shadows or colourpop singles in there and you can easily see what shadows you have inside because of the clear window. They aren't necessarily the sturdiest storage and they aren't the cheapest to hold the most shadows. Personally Makeup Forever, Tarte, Makeup Geek... and even colourpop now have similar products that I like better than the Z Palettes... but I can see people liking the Z Palettes more because of the clear window. And there is always something that most people like even if it doesn't make sense to everyone. The Veramona Brush Swatch thing comes to mind... some people absolutely swear by it... other people are like "Eh... I'll just get a hair donut." And then some people just don't really care either way... I kind of don't care either way lol... but I can understand if anyone does.... they didn't really need to defend their product... people would still probably buy it.

They were also trolling Trendmood... hard. They commented a bunch of times to the point where it's like "This is spam." Trendmood did actually yell at them too... she didn't take the video out or issue a statement but... really? Like that's bad...

Marlena from Makeup Geek even responded to the controversy. I'm sure there's a lot of business decisions as to whether or not she can just drop them or not... but she said that she has been working on a palette like that for a long time... and there is a makeup geek travel vault that is really nice... but yeah. She was not too happy about it.

I was going to mention other brands I'm not buying or people I'm not following on IG or something... but yeah... this took longer to explain than I thought... I'm not ever going to be a gossip blogger or anything... but I won't buy from Z Palette, Jeffree Star, Kylie... I think that is everyone... but yeah. Not my cup of tea... and I don't need any of these brands in my life. There's enough good makeup out there without those brands... so yeah.

Anyway... that is everything! Hope you guys found this helpful in some way, shape or form. I'm just shocked that this was so unprofessional... and just really silly. Big mistake, Z Palette!

