I finished it! Dr. Teal's Relax and Relief Eucalyptus Spearmint Bath Soak with Pure Epsom Salt

I got this because I thought it might work better than the Johnson and Johnson and Johnson Baby Bubble Bath that I reviewed last week. And overall it is better suited for adults! I thought it would last longer than the Johnson and Johnson one, it really didn't last longer... but I still enjoyed this one more.

I think even though it is more adult-sized as opposed to baby sized... I used quite a few cap-fulls because it did kind of take a lot for it to get sudsy and I liked a lot of bubbles... so maybe I went through it faster than I should have, but I used it the way that I liked it so that worked. It did kind of last longer than the Johnson and Johnson one. Plus the smell was more pleasant, I think the Epsom Salts made a difference and it felt a little bit more grown-up.

I was a little bit nervous to try this because I had no real experience with Eucalyptus Spearmint as a scent before and I had never really tried aromatherapy or been into any of those products. I really did end up loving the scent. It's kind of a stronger spearmint scent but the Eucalyptus kind of brings it down a little bit and overall it is very soothing and relaxing.

Much like with the Johnson and Johnson one, with this I would also just kind of stay in the tub until the bubbles dissolved. It was just very relaxing to do that and that makes for a good bath where you can just take your mind of of things and relax and ease your pains and troubles... lol this sounds kind of hippie-ish for me... but it worked and I liked it! So that was really good!

I told my mom to use it because she sometimes gets aches and pains and Epsom Salt is supposed to help soothe that and this had epsom salt in it. She said that it helped her... I don't think it did anything amazing, but she did really like it. So I'm hoping aches do include headaches and that I can use it with that and it will be easy and relaxing.

I did repurchase this again. It was just something I really liked and the bubbles dissolve faster than the Avon bubbles do... but it still really works well and fills the whole tub with a nice, relaxing scent that I've come to like a whole lot.

That is everything! I hope you guys liked this review because I will be reviewing this next week as well in a different way... so that should be fun!

