Shannon Declutters! The 40 Empties in 40 Days Challenge- Thoughts... and things

So I saw a challenge that was "40 Bags in 40 Days" and I kind of modified it a little bit and did 40 empties... It might not have been 40 exactly- I missed some days... but overall I probably did get rid of or use up... over 40 items... so that's good.

I think my favorite thing to actually get rid of was clothes... there were just a lot of t shirts and pants that I wasn't using or couldn't fit into any more that just needed to be gone from my room. I have a small bedroom and a lot of clothes... and I don't really like getting rid of them all that much to be honest... but other people can get better use out of them and I don't need them... so- I just got rid of them now.

I also did a few "anti hauls" on this blog during the challenge... and that's kind of a hard thing to do... but now I've sort of accepted that and I feel rewarded by it. Some things maybe I wouldn't use a whole lot... but I love seeing when other people use them and post things on Instagram or youtube about them. Maybe that's the sort of thing that I need to be doing more... I'll probably have many more anti-hauls during the month... and overall I just think that I'll like that a lot.

There are also things where I'm like "Okay... I'm done with this!" Like the Target Beauty Box... ohhh boy. That I could not be more done with. Lol. I'm not a subscription box person... I'm not really someone that uses samples a whole lot... but the Target Beauty box usually has a lot of nice things and for a little commitment... you don't need to subscribe- you can pick what you want. The problem is... it's all super tiny and it just isn't worth the price.

The other thing I deleted a ton of: EMAILS! I was under 100 emails at one point... now I'm back to 254 and it's kind of bothering me... but I also don't want to get rid of any until after I use the coupon for Ulta... lol.

And it's allowed me to shop my stash a little bit better. I was going to declutter some older Maybelline Blushes and then I used them and I actually loved them... so that worked out nicely. I like shopping my stash and seeing what I can find and start using again.

So hopefully that was some good insight... I liked doing this- I'll probably do it again next year maybe.

