2-sday: 2 Newest Wet n Wild Products I've Tried

Since I mentioned Elf last week... I thought I'd talk about Wet n Wild this week... these aren't the 2 newest releases- just the newest things I've tried and the newest things available at my Target.

1) Color Icon Ombre Blush in The Princess Daquiries- This is just a really nice, neutral blush that just looks nice and subtle on my skin. This is something I've been looking for lately for spring and summer... and I just really liked how it turned out on my skin!

2) Wet n Wild Color Icon 10 Pan Palette in Rose in The Air- This is such a pretty palette. It looks exactly like the Modern Renaissance Palette from Anastasia... and it performs just as well... the only thing is this kind of stains the eyes a little. It isn't too bad... it can be removed with makeup remover... but just kind of a warning. That does kind of make it last longer than the Anastasia palette.

So that is everything! hope you guys like this!

