Mother's Day Gift Basket

So... hopefully my sister doesn't see this because I was gathering some things together for her for Mother's Day... and I'm probably going to do a youtube video on this too... but I wanted to mention it beforehand on this blog just in case anyone is stuck for ideas. My sister has a 1 year old daughter and we get things for my mom every year, but I thought she would like a little basket of some things for herself too with some pamper-y things. Basically I just felt like buying her things and I thought she'd like it for Mother's Day because it'll be a nice surprise for her.

I got this idea when I saw an EmilyNoel83 video where she got a little basket that said Mom all over it at Target's dollar spot... I didn't get that basket- I got one that looked prettier and florally... so I kind of stuck with a floral type theme for some of the things I picked up for her.

I got the Blossom Scented Lipgloss in Raspberry. I just saw this at Aerie and I had a coupon and I thought "ohhh this is cute and different." I kind of thought it was a balm and not a gloss... but it was cute and different.

Also from Aerie I got her one of the Pinch Miniemergency kits. I think these are fun and it's in a rose gold color that match the shoes that her daughter is currently wearing... so that was cute.

I got a face mask in the checkout line at Ulta. It was a Pumpkin Cream face mask. I think EmilyNoel83 recommended this... or something like this... and my sister likes face masks and pumpkin. I think I'm going to get a few from La Creme Shop too... but I haven't picked those up yet.

I also got some things from Bath and Body Works... they had a newer line that was on sale for $6 and they had pretty floral packaging and it smelled like another scent that she liked of mine... so I thought she might like it. So I got her the Pink Magnolia Fine Fragrance Mist and a Mouse to Oil... which I just thought sounded cool.

I'm also going to put some candies that I know she likes in here... but I'm going to wait until closer to the actual day for that. I know she loves Peanut Butter M&Ms and Chocolate Twizzlers... so that's what I'm going with.

And another last minute gift idea that I got my mom when I was in college... my mom doesn't like beauty products that much... but she loves chocolate... so I got her a couple of Dove Bars, which is her favorite, some Lindor Balls... which are another favorite of hers... and I put a bag of chips that came with a sandwich I got in there too... I put it in a Sephora bag because that was the fanciest, sturdiest bag I had... and I drew a minion for her on an index card and I wrote a little card for her there too. She was happy, surprised and she ate everything in there! So that was good too... and very last minute on a broke college kid's budget!

