Product Of The Moment: Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Body Lotion in Clarity

 Okay... so I just used this product and I feel amazing. I've been pretty into aromatherapy lately... I find that it helps calm me down- if I have a headache it helps that and overall it just feels amazing. I have several different scents for several different feelings... but this one is what I just used and what I really like. 

So the scent of this is Peppermint and Rosemary... it mostly smells like Peppermint to me but the Rosemary kind of balances everything out. Does it give me clarity? I guess so- I wrote my blog from yesterday and this blog right now and I feel like this kind of helped clear my mind and just focus on what's important right now... which is always helpful. 

I used this on my arms and chest and possibly a bit on my legs. I used some on my armpits and... just places where I could actually smell it and continually smell it. I also put some on my feet and massaged it because my feet really hurt after work and my mom said massage them with some kind of lotion. Could be any type of lotion... so of corse I chose this one here. Overall right now I just feel like this was a bit of extra relaxation and niceness that I just really enjoyed. 

I also have tried the shower gel of this... I'm certain I reviewed that already- but this isn't really a review- this is just me stating why this is the product of the moment. It smells great, it works great and I feel really relaxed, inspired to write... but also I'm probably going to bed right after this and I'm okay with that. I want to get up early tomorrow lol. 


