Self- Care After Work Routine

 Alright- so I've mentioned my After Work Routine recently and now I'm going to talk a little bit more into what makes me feel the best after work.

So lately I've been closing lately- which means I get out around 7... and I'll eat my dinner and then wait a little bit... and do Yoga. So I've been doing Yoga With Adrienne Videos. She's a really fun and informative Yoga instructor on Youtube and her workouts are just really nice- good for beginners and I just like how Yoga feels. I like that I don't really need to use any tools to make myself stronger- I like that it's relaxing and you can think and meditate and I really like that it stretches out my body and it just makes me feel really really good. 

After that I usually chill a little. Sometimes I'll have coffee or something. Last night I had some ice cream which was really great... and I know it kind of contradicts from doing yoga... but it's not usually that much and I don't really snack all day and I'm still pretty hungry after work. Either way I take a little bit of break and then I take a bath. And right now I'm using the Dr. Teals Lavender epsom Salts along with the Sleep Foam Bath with Melatonin and Chamomile. It just really helps me relax and I like it a lot. 

After that- I've been taking a Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Lotion and I just give myself a nice foot massage- and I've been putting the lotion on my legs, ankles and arms too. It's just relaxing. And then I'll usually watch some youtube- write some of these blogs and then go to sleep! 

So I hope you guys like this! I really like doing these posts... some of my favorite things to do. 


