Style Saturday: Getting Rid of Old Clothes

So here is kind of a style step up thing. I am 23 years old now and I still have a lot of clothes from when I was in high school that I don't really use anymore. In high school I wore a Uniform... so I felt like I couldn't really express myself, so at home I would like to wear band t shirts because back then the bands I listened to were pretty much who I was. I also have a lot of funny nerdy t shirts that I thought and think are cool and I do still use a lot of the clothes... but theres a lot I was kind of like "I got my use out of this... I can't wear it if I get a job or anything. I'm getting rid of it."

And its a bit of a weird feeling. In High School I thought I would like these things forever and I thought "hey it'll be really cool that I'll still have this Panic at the Disco shirt when I'm 30." But realistically... no. I still like Panic At The Disco... but I also like cute sparkly t shirts from American Eagle and other places. I want to dress a little like a grown up now because I kind of am a grown up.

And I do still have a lot of t shirts I use for pajama tops and stuff... but here is just a little bit of advice I guess for getting rid of things.

1) Things aren't memories- I don't need 1,000 Fall Out Boy T Shirts from each of the different shows I went to to remember how much fun I had at those concerts and how important their music was and still is to me. I know what it was like to be a teenage girl at a concert... I don't really 100 t-shirts for that.

2) There are other people that need them- I have a lot of clothes... to many clothes in fact, which is why I needed to get rid of so much stuff. There are people that can't afford stuff... and yeah maybe a Fall Out Boy t shirt isn't the best thing to give them... but its still something they can wear comfortably that they may need.

3) Just because you spent money on it, doesn't mean you're wasting money by getting rid of it- I kind of felt like "this sucks, I spent like all my money in high school at hot topic... I don't want to waste money by throwing all these out." But... its not really wasteful if you aren't using something and need room for new things.

If its something in good shape, maybe look at a thrift or consignment shop to sell it. I did that with a few dresses I had from when I was in high school and 8th grade that I know either don't fit, aren't my style or are just too fancy for anything I would do now. I went to a consignment shop that was free to sign up for and if it doesn't make money within the next few months, they'll donate it to Big Brothers & Sisters or somewhere that needs it... so I feel pretty good about donating it. They're nice dresses so if I make a few dollars from them, thats good and if I don't it still goes somewhere where they can use it... so thats just a win all around!

So yeah. If you're like me and you maybe need a more grown up wardrobe, hopefully decluttering and donating or selling your old clothes can help a little bit. Its okay for you to keep some things, but if you find its getting old & Ratty or you just aren't using it and its taking up too much space, it might be time to declutter a bit.

