Try Again Thursday: Non Make Up Items

So... I think what I'm going to do is keep Try Again Thursday for all non make up beauty items and leave my weekly make up bag or biweekly make up bag or whatever as something different. Also I'm going to announce this now... for April 6th and that whole week I'm going to do a no make-up week... where I don't do any make up, don't buy make up and just take a little break. Just cause I wear make up a lot and I own a lot of make up... and I want to start some new things. So this is going to be an important little round of try agains. So I will do that.

I've already started using this again, it was in my Monday Musts... but I'm going to re-try my Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing cream and Sea Salt Spray. On second day hair especially, this is amazing for adding volume to my hair. It works wet and dry and I just really like it. Lately I've been using it dry and thats been working really well for me. So yeah.

Along with that I'm using the Batiste Wild Dry Shampoo. Again, I have been using this somewhat often... but I'm going to use it a little more. I just have a mini can, so maybe I'll use this up. I do have some others because it came in a kit... but yeah. This is nice.

Essie's Beach Bum Blue. This is a little old... but I used it in my St. Patrick's Day nail design... so I might use it again cause its a really pretty color and it applies really nicely. So I thought I'll try it again sometime in the near future. Essie's Mojito Madness also. I think I mentioned this in my Monday Musts... but its so pretty and green and different. This is a pretty good formula for Essie also. Its kind of underrated cause I think I like the formula better than Bikini So Teeny... anyway yeah. This is good, so I'll put that in here too.

Some bath products I want to use some more of. I have the Bath and Body Works Body Butter in A Thousand Wishes and I also have a mini spray of it and a lotion... so I'm gonna layer these together a little more and maybe use one of them up.

Some other scents I think I'm going to use for layering... the Triple Moisture Body Cream in Moonlight Path and the spray... and the Pacifica Body Butter in Indian Coconut Nectar along with the rollerball in that scent.

And I think I'm going to use some more of my Foot Care items... I have some feet deodorants that might be handy now that I'm not using splints on my feet as much... lol. My ankles are getting better and I think I need this a little bit... lol. And along with that, might use some epsom salt in my bath because that is supposed to help with injuries, so I might use that just to help soothe my ankle a little bit.

So I think thats it... I pretty much keep my skin care in tact and use my Freeman masks in rotation... so that works.

