Style Sunday: Leggings as pants

So I thought I'd mention a sort of "fashion crime" that I've been committing recently and explain how I'm getting away with it.

Leggings are comfy. Everyone knows that Jeans kind of suck as a whole and most fashion items are torture devices. Leggings are also super cute. I have several leggings with patterns that I love wearing, but don't get enough use out of because I don't have as many long tops to go with them... but one thing I do have a lot of is oversized cardigans that cover my butt... so that is kind of how I justify these leggings. And since my ankle is sprained, its easier to get these on and off than jeans... so if you have an injury but still have to leave the house, this is a good way to do it.

So right now I have on a Grey logo top from American Eagle with pink glittery writing on it. I also have white and black floral leggings from Express. These leggings are very thick... if you have more see through leggings, thats not a good thing... but for thick completely opaque leggings, you can get away with this. I also have a pink oversized cardigan from American Eagle on over it so that my booty doesn't stick out quite as much.

... and I don't have a pic of that particular look. Lol. I don't have a full length mirror or anything that really gets a good pic of any sort... so really I have no pics of this... but it works, trust me. It kind of takes some time deciding what goes with what... but as long as you have a pretty simple top, opaque leggings, a sweater that looks good with it... it kind of works. Lol. It takes some time to think of what goes with what, the sweater is usually the hardest to pick out. If you have a white, black or cream colored cardigan... those all work well. Grey, striped and then just whatever color you wear most, also good to have on hand. I've accumulated a lot of these over a few years. Old navy has a lot of good long cardigans.

Its getting a little hotter out, its still pretty cold here... but when it gets warmer I'd try kimonos. That might be hard to do because of clashing patterns... but it could work. You want to look more like one of the Jenner sisters and NOT like Sue Heck from the Middle. I love Sue... but the girl can clash lol. Anyways... lol those are my tips.


P.S- this was supposed to be a Style Saturday... but I guess I forgot to post it lol. So its Stye Sunday.

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