Thrifty Thursday: What's in my Drugstore Quick Makeup Look Drawer!
So I've got this drawer with mostly Wet n Wild Palettes that I thought it might be cool to share. This is one of the smaller drawers of my storage units on my desk and I fit a bunch of small drugstore palettes that I can get a really quick look with. I think a lot of these products are limited edition... but wet n wild will typically release something similar with a different name so... I think you can find something similar if it isn't available anymore. Basically I just like this drawer so I thought I'd share it.
there are some glares on a lot of these... not the best photos but the photo at the top might work better.
It's mostly wet n wild shadows but there are 3 others- so I'll share those first.
One is a Sweet n Shimmer palette from Ulta. Funny story behind this... this was in the goody bag for my sister's Bridal Shower! So that's pretty cool! It's just a small bluish smokey eye palette. I don't know if I've ever actually used it- but it's sentimental and I like it!
Then I have 2 palettes from LA Girl. The Reddish one is called Hypnotize and the brownish one is called Eternalize. These are nice- I used the reddish one a lot not to long ago... it just gives a nice quick look I can do before work and it lasts all day. I would recommend these for sure!
Alright so that is everything not wet n wild... so let's get into the Wet n Wild stuff! I think some of them are permanent and some were in limited edition collections. Some are older and in the older formulas and some are pretty new.
I'm going to start with 2 of the permanent ones. I have Sweet As Candy... this is the perfect neutral trio. I believe this still exists in their regular line but now it's a quad and it's arranged a little differently. I think I actually got this as a gift for my College Graduation... so this is like 5 years old lol... BUT it's still a good palette and it's easy to use really quickly.
The other one that I think is permanent is called Hooked on Vinyl. This is a really nice neutral palette with a dark greenish color. This is just such a cool quad that I think is underrated. It's really cool.
Then There are 2 that I don't have names for. One is mostly neutral with a purpley color and one is a pinkish orange quad. These I believe are from a summer line that was themed around birds that came out a few years ago. This line had some products I think that they were looking to make some of the products permanent... so these might have been made permanent but I'm not sure if these ones are or they aren't but this collection had a lot of neutral products that make sense in a permanent line.
They also have a blue and purple quad that is called Hasta La Costa Baby, I think that was in the same line too.
The rest are from a line that was not affiliated with Game Of Thrones- but definitely inspired by Game Of Thrones. I actually remember seeing these at the drugstore and going "Yeah... I'm buying this collection." So They have a colorful one called Mythicool creatures, a green one called Dragon's Scales (I actually used this recently when I did this ootd look), a smokey grey quad called "The Night's Quad" and a neutral reddish one called "Fit For A Queen." This was a good collection- I can see why I bought all of these. I loved the bird collection- but this one sort of had something for every look and I feel like it's hard to create a smokey look or a colorful look... but these make it so easy!
Alright I hope you guys like this or find it useful. I will maybe try doing one look with these products a month? We'll see... I had bad customer service experience with Wet n Wild's website but... I do like their products and these are ones I had already so... it's not like I'm buying new products. Also I want to do more "collection" tours where I'll show everything in one storage unit or one drawer or something... so let me know if you like that!
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