Nail Review! Pop-Arazzi Nail Polish

So I heard about this brand at CVS Called Pop-Arazzi that I've heard some good things about... plus they are quite affordable, which is always an added bonus. I picked up 4 colors because they were 2 for 5 plus I had a coupon so they ended up being $8 which is the same price as one OPI or Essie polish... which is pretty cool in my opinion. There are some pros and cons to each and... yeah. Here's what I think.

So the colors I got are Head over Teals (teal blue) Icing on the Cake (white) Sugar Spun (light pink... french manicure color) and Love All (yellow.)

So I'm going to start with the absolute best... because you need this polish in your life. Head Over Teals is one of those absolute gems... this... I'm just gonna say it... Has a better formula than the OG Sally Hansen Pacific Blue... I never thought anything could be better, but this head over teals is absolutely amazing. Its one coat... ONE ACTUAL COAT! Completely opaque gorgeous color dries incredibly fast. I think I like the color of Pacific Blue a little better... but this is the best. Its one coat. ONE COAT! Dries fast, isn't gloopy or hard to use at all... not streaky. The absolute best! The best. This is also kind of a dupe for Essie's Garden Variety from their Spring Line. This is more teal and Essie's is more blue... I like the color of Essie's a little more and that has a great formula also... but this is also quite fantastic.

Love All is a yellow... which I wouldn't really wear alone, but I've heard these are good for nail art and I want to do a minion nail art. And this is good. Its not one coat, its like 2 or 3... its a little streaky... but I can work with streaky more than goopy. It also dries really fast... and I didn't do a great job on the minion nail art... but it wasn't really because of the polish itself. I know Sally Hansen has a yellow a lot of people use for nail art, I believe its called Mellow Yellow... I've never tried it so I have no comparison but this worked well and I think if I'm a little more patient I could probably do a minion manicure with this color. Dries super fast and I really like it and I have no other yellow polishes, so thats good!

Icing on the cake was kind of the same as Love All. Its a little streaky, but still really easy to work with. 2 or 3 easy coats. Dries super fast. Again, probably a great one for nail art. What I did with this that I think looks really cute and works well is used a splatter graffiti glitter on it... I used OPI"s To Beagle or Not to Beagle from their Charlie Brown collection. I never had a good light polish to use this on top of and I'm really happy I have a white that I can actually work with to use it on now. I used it on the Teal also and it looks so different on each polish that I really think it looks kinda cool. I've never found a white polish I like, so even though this isn't the greatest formula ever... its pretty damn good and I'm happy with it.

And last but not least Sugar Spun! This was a little like the formula of the yellow and the white... but a little better. I've never had good luck with really light pinks, so I was actually really impressed. It was pretty streaky, but rather workable. Its a little glopier than the other polishes, but it does come out a little less streaky and a little better. I really like it even though it isn't the greatest formula ever. Its a super pretty girly color. Probably great for French Manicures... idk it might be too opaque for that, I'm not really sure whats the norm for french manicures and my nails are a bit short for them... but yeah. I also feel like it took longer to dry than the others... idk.

Just some other things about them, they smell terrible. These are the worst smelling polishes I've ever tried, and the smell kind of lingers... so if you're like me and want to do your nails in a small space... be careful. Also this is more of a user error than anything else... but if you are doing nail art with them, remember that other brands of polishes don't dry quite as fast as these, so it might be a little harder to work with because you have to kind of remember "ohhh these aren't dry and there are lots of different colors on my nails." Which happened to me when I tried to do Minion Nail Art and it got frustrating. So that is something to keep in mind... but yeah.

I don't know if I'd say run out and buy these... the only outstanding one is the Head over Teals and I'm sure there are other gems in the line... but if you see these for 99 cents or on a good deal or even if you just see a color you like, pick it up! These are good and for 2.99 you can't go wrong.


P.S I want to post pics of this... but I didn't do it that early and I want to do it in better lighting... so I'll probably post a haul tomorrow with a photo of  these in it. I'll have another haul on Thursday too cause thats when I'm going to sephora and I think I'm gonna buy quite a few things... lol. So that is whats going on. I was going to post a how-tosday... but I want to get better pics of what that look looks like too and I'm not in the worlds best mood right now... so there is that. Lol.



  1. I can’t believe how horrible this nail polish is. Bought a color and fast dry drops to do my nails for a wedding this weekend.. I’ve waisted so much time with the cheap polish. Horrible brushes, thick, smell is horrible to breath in.. Fast dry drops don’t work.. I’m left with messed up nails and no time to fix.. Ya get what you pay for.


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