First Impressions: Elf Skincare Night Cream and Moisturizer

So I just got the new Elf Night Cream and Moisturizer a few days ago... so this isn't really a full review or anything... obviously I need to test it out a bit more to tell you if there were any real results... but I already have some comments about it because I am seeing some pretty instant results and I just had some thoughts about the packaging and whatnot... so yeah.

This isn't really important in the long run... but its something to think of when you're buying something because a lot of times things come in ridiculously fancy and elaborate packaging and they're super overpriced. These are both very inexpensive and the packaging is wonderful.

The Night Cream comes in a tub, similar to Ponds and Philosophy's Miracle Worker... and really a lot of thicker moisturizers. This is packaged really fancy though. Its this tiffany blue color with frosted glass and it has like silver detailing on the lid. When you open it up the protector seal thing has a little leaf on it so its easy to pull up. If it didn't say ELF on the front, I'd totally think it was glamglow or something because it honestly looks fancier than the glamglow packaging. The box it came in was cute and like a square plasticky package... but like a softer plastic I guess? Lol idk how to describe it... kind of like the real tecniques packaging but its a little more matte looking and it is also tiffany blue. Really really nice and luxe looking. And its $12.

The Daily Hydration Moisturizer is also nice. This is in a tube that is the same color and it has a pump on the bottom that makes it super easy to use. And that pump is useful too cause sometimes when its in a tube and its just like a squeezy thing I get wayyy too much on my face and it just gets messy. This is pretty fool proof and its really nice. $8!

And I think its important that these are nicely packaged because it just goes to show you you can have nicely packaged things that aren't $60+. Talkin to you Glamglow!!! Lol. I'm not Beyonce. I can't pay that much for a mask just for fancy packaging.

Product Amounts 

Pretty good for the value I guess? I'm not really an amount expert, but since its on the package... I might as well mention it lol.

The Night cream is 1.76 oz/50g and the moisturizer is 2.53 fl oz/75 mL... so there you go.

Does It Work? 

Yes! So far I'm noticing a little bit of a difference! My skin is pretty dry, but when I wake up it feels really nice and smooth! I will probably do a little bit of an updated skincare routine pretty soon but I do still use a few different moisturizers just cause thats what kind of helps my skin more. I use the Daily Hydration Moisturizer when I wake up usually right before I put make up on and that goes on really easily and feels really good.

I use the night cream at night usually after washing my face and I then use Tarte's Maricuja Oil on on top of it... and its been good. It kind of stings my face a little when I first put it on... I think I may be using too many things at once which might not be the best thing to do... I used a the freeman mask in the glow version last night before putting these on and I don't think that worked very well. I have had some redness on my face, but I think I'm maybe just doing too many things all at once and I think I need to go a little lighter with the scrub that I'm using... but last night when I used it I pretty much found the way I liked using it I believe... and I will definitely update you on my skincare routine now that I have used these in conjunction with other things.

Other important info 

As of right now, this isn't sold in stores... only on Elf's website. Not in stores. They only have 4 products in the line these 2 and a serum and an eye cream. It seems to be more targeted for dry skin... but I've heard some of the products work well with oily skin also (check out Samantha Reilly and ColorSweptBeauty's videos on these products on youtube, they have more oily skin and kind of talk about that in greater detail.)

The whole bundle is $42, the serum is also $12 and the eye cream is $10. Elf has discounts all the time and free shipping over $35.

They don't have a cleanser or a scrub or a mask in the line yet... which would probably be good products to include. I'm happy with the ones I use now, so I'm okay with just adding these 2 products in there... but some people like using a whole skincare line from one brand.

There is no SPF in either of these products... which can be good for really sensitive skin, my friend can't really use most sunscreens and won't buy a product if there is sunscreen in it... and I am kind of the same way. I feel like the SPF makes it a little dryer and usually stings me.

They both have a scent to them. Its not stinky or incredibly fragrant... but you may want to stay away from that if you have very sensitive skin.

And last but not least, this isn't sponsored at all. I don't get paid for blogging at all right now, I purchased these myself and just wanted to give a good and thorough first impression of these. Elf is a brand that has a ton of hits and misses I think, but they've come a long long way. A few years ago I wouldn't have trusted putting anything from Elf on my actual face... but they've come a long way and now I can do a whole face of Elf Make Up. They're a good cruelty free brand that is affordable and has some good quality stuff. I pretty much only buy an Elf product if there are a lot of good reviews on it and I've heard a lot of good things...  but definitely don't overlook the brand just cause they're so cheap cause they actually have some really good things!

Hope this was helpful!!!

