Night Skin Care Routine

This is like a super SUPER hydrating skincare routine... so if you don't need THE MOST hydration ever... this might not work for you. It may not work for a lot of people... but I like it a lot and this is kinda what I've been doing recently... so I thought it would be good to share it.

First I use Ponds Dry Skin Cream all over my face. I do this before washing my face because I think it serves as a little bit of moisture before washing my face. I think it helps keep the hydration from my cleanser locked on to my skin... I'm not sure if this really works or makes sense... but when I do it, usually my skin feels a little better. I don't do this every night... but I sometimes do this step. Plus then if I forget to wash my face or something... this step has taken at least... so that is good. I especially focus on my chin, which is very dry. 

Then I wash my face. Lately I've been using the Purity cleanser and I love it. It works better than anything I've tried recently and I just like it. For my scrub I'll use the Garnier Charcoal Scrub. Again... not something I always do... but I usually do this. I have dry skin, but Charcoal seems to work well at clearing it and smoothing the texture. Its good. And lately I've been squeezing the scrub onto a cotton round because it is a little harsh of an exfoliant... so this helps me control how harsh it is, especially around my chin. It helps a little more. Sometimes I'll use a freeman mask after this. The Charcoal and the Avacado work best with my nighttime products and the glow mask is a little better for the morning... so yeah. That is what I do! 

Then after but not quite right after I will use the Elf Night Cream all over my face and on my neck. I try to rub it upwards onto my neck instead of downwards because that will prevent sagging. This is a little harder to do and I'm only 23 so it isn't a huge huge deal... but it will be one day lol. If I don't use my Elf night cream, the Philosophy Miracle Worker is awesome. They're both pretty similar... I haven't been using either for a long time... but I noticed a difference pretty much instantly with both. 

And last but not least before I go to bed, I make sure to use some Tarte Maricuja Oil... This is awesome and its also wayyy too expensive. Its probably worth the $46 or whatever it is for this... but that doesn't mean I want to pay that lol. Someone on the Tati app told me that you could get pure maricuja oil on amazon for like $18 and I'll probably try that if this runs out and it doesn't go on sale again. I got this during Ulta's 21 days of beauty and its kind of a favorite now cause it works. I still have some of the sample size that I got in the Christmas set though... so a little goes a long way and lasts a while. And again... this is something where you're sort of paying for packaging. So there is that. 

So that is it! Again this hasn't been my skin care routine for all that long... but it has been working. 

Ohhh and lately I've been using the Philosophy Hope in A Jar eye cream... but this is just a sample and I'm almost done with it... so by the time I post this... it might not be part of the routine anymore... but yeah. My under eyes are not my biggest problem right now... but its good to start early. If I get a sample of an eye cream, I'll use it pretty much. Lol. 

