Monday Musts: 4/27/15

Heyyyy guys! I've been loving a lot of things and I really really want to talk about them... so thats what I'm gonna do.

First off, I've really been liking my ELF skincare products. I didn't buy everything in the line, I just got the moisturizer and the night cream and I've really been liking them. I would definitely try other products from the line because I've been really liking these. They hydrate a lot... I don't want to get into too much detail because I have a review right here and I'm going to do an updated skincare routine type thing... I feel like I just did one... but I have so many new products I've discovered that I'm loving that I feel the need to do another one. Lol. But yeah. Like those.

Elf's BB Cream also... this is surprisingly really good. Its not full coverage, but for $6 its good coverage and it lasts all day pretty much. It isn't as hydrating as my Olay Fresh Effects BB Cream... but its still really good! If you can't tell I'm on a bit of an ELF kick... cause they've stepped up their game so much for such a good price that its pretty amazing. Lol.

More Amazing Affordable wonders... Colourpop's Super Shock Shadows! I have been using the Kathleenlights quad and the single in Sequin quite a bit... I kind of want to make another order when they have their highlighters available... but yeah. These are awesome. And actually they work great with the Elf smudgepot in Brownie Points. These are really cool cream shadows, I've really been having fun using it... It makes my make up last a little longer and I just think its pretty cool. So that is a definite favorite.

Another product from Elf... that I haven't used a ton really yet... but its useful and I wanted to include it here is the cool bronzer. Its in like a mosaic type of pattern and the cool one is pretty much matte... they have a warm one and a golden one that look more shimmery. This is easy to contour with and it also works great for matte eyeshadows. To me, it looks the closest to the Kat Von D Shade and Light Palettes... I'm not really sure I don't have either... but if you don't want to splurge on something thats just kind of a fad... this Elf bronzer is pretty good.

Target's Up and Up brush is another huge winner this week. The Blush Brush I should say. Its a really good quality brush for such a good price and it really helps pack on the color a bit more and its still easy to use. This works a little better than the Real Techniques brush does for certain blushes. It works a little better with my tarte blush from the Sephora Favorites thing I got... and yeah. Really enjoying that. Still like my real techniques one... but I like this too. Both good for different things. I haven't deep cleaned it though, so idk how it does in a deep cleaning situation... I will keep you updated.

Ulta's Amped Lashes Mascara... I've talked about this a lot... but for good reason. It is the best. I think I like it more than my L'oreal Butterfly Intenza Mascara... which kind of sucks cause I don't go to Ulta that often cause I don't live very close to one... but these mascaras are awesome. They give it away for free a lot, which is how I got it lol... so yeah. Try it out. I have long lashes to begin with... but this definitely does amp them up!

And I have a few favorites for lips this week... First combo... I may have mentioned last week, but its good. Colourpop's Lumiere with Nars Turkish Delight. I love the Matte finish of the lipstick... but sometimes I just want a little extra to it and I really like Turkish Delight over it. And I'm surprised by how much I like Turkish Delight. Its a really nice lipgloss... I totally never would have tried Nars products if they hadn't been in sephora favorites kits... and now I'm kinda hooked... I want to try some more lipglosses and maybe even their sheer glow foundation... idk how much I feel about paying $45 for a foundation... but I'm sayin I might someday... not I'm gonna go out and buy it right now... lol.

Another combo I like a lot is Elf's Matte lipstick in Natural with the Tarte Lipsurgence lipgloss that came in the Holiday kit... I think its exclusive to that kit... but it works really well as a neutral gloss topper. I like the color and I love the formula of the Tarte gloss.

And I have another high end lipgloss favorite... I know a lot of people don't like to splurge on lip products... but I don't think there are that many good drugstore lip glosses out there and usually a high end lipstick or lipgloss is the cheapest thing you can get from a high end brand... so I really don't mind splurging... ANYHOO lol the lipgloss is Garnet by Bite Beauty... I'm in love with this formula and the color is just a perfect coral for summer... I've been wanting to go out and do things more just to rock this color! Lol. It is really nice. I kind of regret not getting the Bite Beauty Watercolor set during the sale because I like this so much... and now I might buy it full price... but its $50 for lip glosses... I'm not beyonce so I may just need to calm down. Lol. But I'll probably get it... lol.

And my #1 favorite MVP of the week, I would have to say is the One n Only Argan Oil... this stuff really makes my hair nice and soft! My hair has never felt as soft or looked as healthy as it does right now... and this has helped a ton. And I have never heard of this brand, it just came free with my hairdryer and it is totally awesome! Really really good! And this brand is pretty affordable too. I looked to see if Ulta had them and they do and a full size is like 11.99... which is pretty cool! It smells really good too. It smells like a salon. I just really really like it.

And that is it! There is probably a lot more... but these are the MVP's lol.

