Drugstore Picks: Skin Care

Happy No Make Up Week! I thought I'd talk about my skincare, but I'm also going to focus it a little more on the drugstore skin care I use... I've only ever used a few high end skin care products. I've used some stuff from Origins and most recently their Charcoal Mask... which I LOVE, The Tarte Maricuja Oil, and the Glamglow hydrating mask. I like all of those things too, except I don't think I'd repurchase the glamglow mask (am thinking about the cleanser...)  but yeah most of my stuff is drugstore and it works really well.

For my cleanser I use the Simple Moisturizing cleanser. I like this, I think it works well with the moisturizer I use which is why I like it so much. I don't know if its the best cleanser in the world or anything... but I do like it, it does the job well and I like Simple in general. I like that they don't use scents or dyes and I don't think they test on animals... I just like them a lot. 

For my scrub I've really been liking the Garnier Charcoal scrub. They have a cleanser too. This is meant for Oily skin, I have dry skin, but I do get a lot of blackouts and... idk my skin just responds well to charcoal. It also helps if you have larger pores. The only thing about this is I get dryness on my chin, and I just always have. For some reason that is the driest area of my skin and this dries it out a bit and kind of hurts if I use too much there, so I have to be super gentle. This is a really gentle scrub to begin with, I just have to be incredibly gentle I guess. Idk lol. 

And the most fun part... MASKS! I have 3 from Freeman that I love. One Charcoal, which is like a mask and scrub. I like it for the exact reasons I just listed above and dislike it for those very reasons also. I also have the Golden Grain glowing one which I love. It smells good and I think it really does a good job at brightening my face. It also really wakes you up in the morning. And then there is the Avocado mask... which is just amazing. It hydrates and just helps smooth out my skin. I don't think any of these would be bad for dry skin either. And these are also cruelty free I believe, so that is cool. Super cheap too, Ulta always has buy 2 get one free and Harmon always has discounts on these. I want to try them all pretty much lol. 

And for my moisturizer, which if there is one thing I can really recommend highly from this post, its this. Ponds Dry Skin Cream. Its a classic, but for good reason. It is absolutely amazing. It helps moisturize my face, de puffs my undereyes a bit and its just really really good. Its the only moisturizer thats ever helped my chin feel better, its just really good overall. I know this is an old lady thing kind of... but I love it. My grandmother told me the other day that someone that was 90 I think she said had really beautiful skin and the woman said it was from Ponds Cold Cream... idk about that. It was probably Dr. Pepper or something lol. But I love this stuff. It also smells good. I think it works well with the Simple Cleanser because I think its the same company that owns them... and I also don't know if this is tested on animals or not. It helps me, so I like it. 

I also use the Garnier eye roller thingy with the cold tip on it under my eyes on occasion. I'm 23... so I don't think I need it all the time or need anything too expensive or anything right now. I know I'm going to regret that when I'm older, but now I don't have the money or the need to spend on something better than this... so I don't. 

And I have used the Simple Moisturizer... and it kind of burns me, but if you need something with SPF, that works alright. I didn't love it... but I have it and use it sometimes... not really lol. but I have it. 

Ohhh and I almost forgot my make up remover is from Avon, its the Nourishing Cleansing milk, and its basically a moisturizer and a make up remover in one. Which I like. Its a little harsh on the eyes... but nothing too bad, and its easy to use a little bit and not get any in the eye. It really does a good job at removing make up. Another good make up remover? Baby head to toe wash, which is basically a cleanser and shampoo for babies, so its good for brushes to. Its just a little sticky... but it won't hurt. 

So that is everything! Hope this was helpful!

No Make Up Week Update- I'm not really considering this a failure... but I'm wearing make up right now... lol. Ummm... yeah. My friend was like "lets go shopping" and I was like "alright." And then I felt tired and I looked really tired and I just thought... why not. I have new products I wanted to test out, so I tried them! Plus I may be sending one thing back to Ulta... and I want to make sure I like everything else... so I need to test it. Lol. I never look like I have a ton of make up on, and usually people can't tell that much anyway... so I just thought why not. I'm not calling this a failure because I could have gone out and just dealt with looking a little more tired than usual... but I figured I have the stuff... why not use it. Lol. So... yeah this is kind of a failure. I feel like my no buy wouldn't have lasted till today anyway... so... yeah. Lol. Idk why I'm calling this not a failure... but I don't totally feel like its not. Lol.

