Heyyy guys, so this is going to be a pretty interesting week for me because I'm not going to wear make up for an entire week. That may not seem like much to some, I've probably done lots of weeks in my life where I haven't worn make up, I wasn't even all that into make up until recently... but now I've been wearing it more and more and I'm just going to take a little break from it. I'm also not going to be posting anything about make up on this blog, I'll be focusing on other beauty things and I'm not going to buy any make up... except I will most likely order Kathleenlights new colourpop collection which is coming out this week, and the shades look beautiful and I love Kathleen and I know she worked hard coming up with the fomulas and things like that with the people at colourpop... and I'm just excited about it. Lol. Anyway, this isn't about Colourpop this is about no make up week.

Idk I just feel like this is going to be a fun little thing to try, and its going to be hard because I have an Ulta order that is coming this week and its going to bother me not trying all the stuff out right away... but I'm gonna do it. Lol. I'll probably have a haul right after No Make Up Week because I have been buying things and I want to share my Ulta Order with you guys and stuff like that, so take my word. If I do cave and buy make up or wear make up during No Make Up Week, I will let you guys know, I am an honest person, I don't like lying to anyone and... yeah... Lol. This is just going to be a fun week thats a little break. I'll keep you guys updated on the whole experience and if it changed me at all as a person or not. Lol.

So thats whats up this week. I'll give little updates throughout the week as to how its going... As of right now, its day 1 and I feel both relieved but also kind of sad. I have new make up that I got and that my sister got me, and I really want to dig right into it and play... but I'm not going to. I didn't go out anywhere today, so thats not really an issue... but I do kind of miss doing something a little extra. Also maybe I should get some more rest this week. I look tired. Lol. Plus you can see my dry chin, which I don't love... but whatever.

And I'm waiting on an Ulta order and I'm both relieved its not here because I really really want to try the make up thats in it... but at the same time I want it to be here because I want to see everything I got and there are 2 non make-up items I'm excited about... ughhh. Lol.

