Nail Polish Review: Color Club Pastel Neon Collection+ Essie Spring Collection

Soo... I feel like the word "collection" might be a little strong here. Basically I have 2 colors from each of these collections and I'm going to review them based on those colors and formulas. Its not exactly the best review, there could be a complete dud in a collection I love and don't have, there could be a complete winner in a collection that I don't love. I'm not a professional, I'm not buying a whole collection now... and I'm just gonna kind of go off of these few to get the idea.

Let's start with ones that I would maybe say pass on... The Color Club collection. These colors are absolutely beautiful. A lot of the colors are unlike anything I have or anything I've seen, and I'm a pretty big nail polish fan... so for that mad props on the collection. They get an A for the colors because those are honestly really amazing... and almost worth the tricky formula of these. The two colors I have are Meet Me At The Rink and Hot Hot Hot Pants. Meet Me At The Rink is a nice light blue... and I have some light blues in my collection that are complete duds, and I love Color Club, so I was hoping this formula would be really good... it wasn't. Its totally workable, I did eventually get a coat out of it... but if you have some light blues and you're looking for the absolute perfect light blue, this one isn't it. One I do love from Color Club is Take Me To Your Chateau. CoffeeBreakWithDani said that this color was a must have and the absolute best light blue formula ever, so I trusted her ... and it is really really good. They're similar in color, so if you're choosing between the two, definitely go Take Me To Your Chateau. Its amazing and I love it.

The other color Hot Hot Hot Pants is the most beautiful light orange coral color... I'm so excited to wear this in the summer with a tan... its going to be amazing. The formula is tricky... but it is workable and a little bit better than the Meet Me At The Rink color. If you like these type of colors, or you want something a little different that you'll definitely get a lot of use of in the summer... this is it. Its a really great color and I'd say pick this up for sure if you're interested... and if you're a little more patient with your nail polish than this collection is really pretty and different enough to buy it. But if you're expecting an easy 1-coat amazing formula color... thats not it. If you're used to Color Club's formula, you may be disappointed.

I love Color Club and some of my favorite polishes are from them, but these aren't amazing.

Now on the other hand Essie's Spring line is awesome! I'm always a little hesitant on Essie polishes. They have amazing colors, their cream colors are awesome... but I'm not a huge fan of the formula of a lot of the colors I've tried. I heard good things about this particular collection so I picked up a couple of shades. Floralista and Garden Variety are the two I got from this.

Floralista is the type of color I really like. Usually when I get my nails done, I get them done in a color like this. Its a beautiful dark but bright color. I think I used 2 coats, but you could get away with 1 coat in this. The formula is absolutely amazing. Its so easy to put on and overall really really good. I used this for Easter Nail Art and it worked really really well. And Garden Variety, which is a really nice blueish teal color is even better I'd say. That you could totally do one coat, I think I even only used one coat and it just turned out amazing. I really really liked the color and formula of this. It was really really easy and just so so good overall. I highly recommend these colors.

And the collection in general has a lot of really unique colors and some good combinations. They have some really good neutral colors if you don't really like too much color... they're great for transitioning from winter to spring or spring to summer or even summer to fall... pretty much good colors for all year round, but the colors I got are particularly exciting for spring and summer. I could totally see rocking the neutral colors in the fall. And overall it looks like a great collection.

So yeah, these are really fun colors! I really like them and even though the formula of the Color Club polishes aren't great, they are definitely workable. And yeah I definitely recommend these! I think I'm going to do more nail reviews because I love nail polish and I find nail collection blogs and reviews really helpful and I always look for them online... so these will definitely be something you can expect from me in the near future! Maybe I'll do a nail post once a week or something? Idk about that lol... but it'll be more regular on this blog! I thought No Make Up Week would be a good time to start!


Now Make Up Week Update- Lol Its now "now make up week" because I wore make up again today... #srynotsry. Ummmmm... yeah. I did end up ordering KathleenLights new Colourpop shadows and I got some of the Wet N Wild Silver Lake collection... so that should be fun to play with. I was kind of more into the idea of posting things that weren't only make up related and sort of expanding this blog a little more... and I think I feel more comfortable with that now. I'm definitely doing more nail art and I'm trying to do a nail post a week at least... so expect nail art posts and Nail Reviews a little more often in the near future.
