David Bowie T Shirt OOTD

 Okay I think Today is David Bowie's Birthday... it might be tomorrow and I could be wrong... but I think it might be today and here's a David Bowie shirt look that I did a while ago to celebrate it. If you couldn't guess... I'm a big fan of David Bowie. 


So The Top I got at Hot Topic. I believe this is from Rebel Rebel... I think in the video he wears the red suit and the eyepatch but I guess this was from some sort of photoshoot with Rebel Rebel... I know a lot about David Bowie... but there's so much and a lot of it was wayyy before I was born... so yeah. 


I have a star cardigan that I really like. It was a cold day out when I was wearing this and I needed a cardigan with the t shirt. 


So I have my Rebel Rebel Broach and earrings on because of corse I do. I also have my UFO Broach on because David Bowie, Stars, Space Aliens... they all go together. 

Ohhh and I Have a scrunchie I got from Target on. It's a Pink Plaid Scarf Scrunchy! 

And that is everything! 

I hope you guys like this look! I really liked it! I have work today so I won't be wearing the t shirt... but I'm sure I'll wear the broach and earrings to honor David Bowie... maybe even the cardigan! 

Also Update: His Birthday is Tomorrow... but that's when I do my favorites so... yeah. 


