Lip Swatch Sunday: Kylie Cosmetics Holiday Lip Collection
Alright- I was going to post this a while ago... actually most of these photos were taken in November... but I work retail and the holiday season is crazy so... I didn't get to blog around then! These aren't great lip swatches because I forgot to put some of the lighter shades on before the darker shades... well actually I did put them on but I didn't get a picture of them because I was attempting to vlog... so it was kind of a lot of products on my lips and I had to keep redoing it... you can see the color but the application isn't the best lol.
I'm also not sure how available this lip kit is... I don't see it on Ulta's website anymore but TBH I don't fully recommend it anyway. I like these colors a lot and the formula is okay but not something I really love or that I want to try any more of. These are also VERY TINY lipsticks... and the original price was $30... so if you were to pay that full price it would be like $6 for a tiny tiny sample of a lipstick. I think I got mine for 40% off or something and I didn't know the size of these would be that tiny... but you could get a $6 full size liquid lipstick from the drugstore or Colourpop that's wayyy better.
Not to be too negative- I'll have more positive things to say about Kylie Cosmetics tomorrow... but don't feel #fomo about this. These colors are gorgeous but I can't really recommend it.
One Wish
This picture I just actually took yesterday because I used this shade for my makeup look I'm doing for tomorrow and I apparently didn't have any pictures with this one from November when I did the other swatches... who knew! Anyway this is probably the lightest shade I have that's actually something wearable and doesn't make me look too pale or anything... so I really like it.
I think I was like "Hey my lipstick is messed up... let's just smile like Miranda Sings!" Anyway this is a nice orange-y shade. It's very good for autumn and I like it. Not what I'll use the most probably but I like it!
This is Angel- this is probably my favorite color of the bunch. It's purply and neutral and pretty and I like it a lot!
This is the type of lip color that no one really wears but it is always in these types of lip kits... I don't know. I haven't worn this one yet... it's just very loud and very pink... I'll wear it sometime in February maybe.
I wore this one time when I went out for italian food with my family... idk if that's a good place to wear a red lipstick... but I'll probably wear this again around Valentine's day. I don't love this formula for red lipsticks.
Anyway... that's the colors here! Hope you guys liked this even though I'm not sure how helpful it was. At least you get to see these less than flattering pictures of my lips on the internet.
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