Lip Swatch Saturday: Colourpop Matte X and Spring/ Summer Collection

Alright! So Now I'm onto a Lip Swatch and I've been meaning to do this for a while... but I kept losing the lip products! So... yeah! Overall I really like the formula's of these both... and yeah!

Colourpop Matte X 


This is my favorite color! I think its a great neutral, it goes with everything... its just a great neutral color and I love the formula. This also mixes well with the other colors too.

Pillow Talk 
My Enemy My Ally! No... that is sort of why I bought this... but when I bought it I didn't know...
It was a straight up brown!!! This isn't the most flattering color for me... but again, these mix pretty well together, so it'll be pretty good... and the more I look at it the cooler I think it is. Its not that bad.

This looks a little light on the lip swatch... I think it looks a little less crazy in person. I used the Elf Lip Primer with some of these... and I think this looks better in person. But yeah. I like this it was a little different than it looked online... but I liked it still!

Back Up 
I feel like I've used this the most because it looks the second best on me and I couldn't find Cami for a while... so this is good. 

Ultra Satin Lips 

This one I got just for the name. Its based off of a Michael Scott Quote from The Office... and I used to Love The Office a Lot... not that I don't love it anymore... but this works well mixing with others even though its too nude for me.

This one is a great color! Summery purple... super fun and I just like it a lot! 

Alriiiiighhhhtttt! Byeee!
