Topic Tuesday: Anti Haul pt. 1

I thought I'd do one of these... maybe I've done it in the past... I don't really remember but I figured since I'm doing Topic Tuesday now I'll do an anti haul. Kimberly Clarke is best known for doing these anti hauls... and I feel like the message of her videos is probably going to be a little different than my message here. I agree with her points, but I feel like Kimberly Clarke started these in a satirical way, and other people that have done these videos aren't quite making the commentary she is making... so I just want to keep that in mind. I just want to talk about things that you won't see reviews of on this blog.

Anything from the Kylie Line 
I'm not a fan of the Kardashian Jenner society... and I don't mind if you are or not... I just don't get it. They're a very gorgeous family... but if you put all their brains together, I don't think you'd even have half a brain. Maybe a quarter of one... but that's a bit of a stretch... lol.

Anyway I don't really mind that part about it, I'm sure thats probably true of a lot of things we use in our daily life... but with the Kylie products, you aren't paying for the quality of the products, you're paying for the name Kylie that is attached to it... which is fine if you're just a big fan and thats what you want to pay for, but it doesn't make sense for me. I'm not a fan... I could do a review and get some attention to my blog or my instagram... but it isn't really worth it for me.

I've also heard that they have bad customer service... which is kind of a killer for me too. No one really likes ordering things and having to wait in the mail... but when you also have bad customer service... that just isn't worth it. The shipping isn't cheap either... so I can't see this being worth purchasing for me. It's not going to change my life, and I don't need it for the name.

And people saying "Be nice on her she's young," no... thats not a thing you do in business. She gets no sympathy from me. I'm young too... if I started a business I wouldn't expect to get special treatment either. Also... this is why you don't buy from teenagers. Lol.

The Power of Makeup Palette 
This was something I was pretty excited about. I love Too Faced, I love Nikki Tutorials... and I love my Vegas Nay palette... but then I saw the palette and it looked a lot like the Vegas Nay Palette. Which I like... but I have that already, so I won't be buying it.

Its also a really expensive palette! It comes with extras sure... but I don't think I can use the Better Than Sex Mascara, every time I have I've gotten a swollen eye... and I still haven't used my pigment from the Vegas Nay palette.

Its a good all in one palette, I'm not saying I wouldn't recommend this for someone that wants it... just for me, I can't see myself buying it. I don't love the Too Faced love flush blushes either... and those are really nice, its just kind of personal preference. They're a bit too pigmented for me and I'm just not the biggest fan. It isn't my favorite thing from too faced.

I think the name is cute too because I loved that video.

Jeffree Star Liquid Lipsticks 
Everyone kinda knows why to not buy from Jeffree Star... its the same reason why people won't buy from places like Lime Crime, and stuff like that.

But aside from his name, I think a lot of his stuff looks interesting. His liquid lipsticks though... if you're charging $20 for a liquid lipstick that needs to be stored in a fridge, on a silk pillow with diamonds around it... sorry... not buying it.

I'm being a little sarcastic, the lipsticks aren't quite that high maintenance... but yeah for $20 the lipstick should give me a foot massage or something. You know? Its not like my fridge even has food thats $20... so a liquid lipstick has no place there.

I think this is everything that I'm sure I won't buy... there are lots of things on the list that I'm like "meh, I probably won't buy the Serpentina palette" or "I don't need any of the holiday stuff..." But right now I'm not going to say I definitely won't buy any of those things cause maybe I will. I can't see buying any of these though.

Bye! Hope this was at least a fun read!
