Worth It Wednesday: Becca Beach Tint Shimmer Souffle in Watermelon Moonstone

I've mentioned that I don't think I'll be buying Becca Products anymore... and I don't think I will be... however I don't think this is going to influence my review of this at all. I used this a lot before I decided no more becca... and I think all the pros and cons of this product are all without putting that into perspective.

So this is a cream blush with sort of a cool highlight swirled around in it. Once you start using this... they just kind of combine. It just swirls to a regular glow-y blush color. It smells really nice. Mine smells like watermelon and I really like that. I also like the packaging... Becca Packaging all have the same theme and this fits in well with it. But... I think that is mostly what you're paying for.

I don't necessarily think the blush itself isn't worth $27. I really love the color and it kind of goes with everything and looks good with any look... but there isn't a lot in it. I feel like if I used this consistently every day from getting it... it could be gone in a few months. I'm using this for a project pan and I haven't really used this all the time... I still have a lot left, but there is a significant dip in it.

It lasts okay... if you're out in the sun or something it will go away. I think if you're doing a lot and running around a lot I think it would probably last a long time. I don't think it would be that bad. It would last a pretty long time.

These also aren't that expensive for high end. I used to always love high end blushes because there weren't many drugstore blushes a few years ago and drugstore blushes are relatively expensive and the high end blushes are relatively affordable. So $27 for becca isn't bad. These might show up on sale on haute look... I'm not sure if this particular product would be included in that... but I wouldn't be surprised to see it there one day. I feel like everyone and their mother were talking about this a few years ago and now no one really talks about them because... they are expensive for what they are. If they raised the price to like $30 or something I would say absolutely not... but I think for the price... these are okay. I got this in a kit... even if I were buying from Becca I don't think its something I'd repurchase or get another one of...

So... overall... no I don't really think these are that worth trying. It isn't bad but for the amount of product and the amount of money... probably not worth it. Idk... I just don't think its a total must have.

