Monthly Favorites: July 2016

I feel like I've been doing a lot of the same looks in July... so I don't really have a ton of favorites... but here are a few notable favorites.

I did the Single Shadow challenge during this month... and that was really fun. I didn't realize how easy it was to do looks with single shadows... but it was super super easy and I just really liked it! It was quick, easy and the looks were very put together for the most part. So that was good.

Matte palettes go along with this pretty well too. I got the Meet Mattrimony and I love that. I also have the Too Faced Natural Matte, which is a total favorite of mine. Both have been good to me this month.

The It Cosmetics CC+Illumination cream along with the Too Faced Hangover Rx primer. Both really nice and go well together. The It CC+ Illumination doesn't always work for me, but it does with the Too Faced.

Pink Chiffon by Bath and Body Works has been a favorite scent of the month. I started doing Fragrance Freak Fridays and I'm including it in a finish 13 by halloween. So that's nice!

My Colourpop Ultra Satin Lip in Molly and the Matte X Lips, particularly the one in Cami.Those are very nice and pretty. I like them a lot!

And for Blush the Sephora Microsmooth Baked Blush duo in Guava Glow. I could not stop using that this month! It is such a good blush and really underrated.

I think that is everything actually... I don't have a highlighter this month? Shocking! Lol. But yes, that is everything and I hope this was useful and maybe helped you if you're deciding to buy products or use your single shadows. Short... but I need to get dressed and stuff soon and I'm also reading Harry Potter and The Cursed Child... so that's what I'm more focused on. Lol.

Byeee !
