Weight Loss Blog#2: Being Organized

If there is one thing that choosing a "healthier lifestyle" will help you do its keep organized! Right now I'm really trying to keep my whole life in order basically just because I've been keeping track of what I eat, what I have to do, when I work out, what my work outs make me feel and how I can fit that into the rest of my day. Its a lot to do and quite frankly, I need to be wayyy more organized in general anyway... so this is a great way to sort of make a real "lifestyle choice" without only focusing on working out.

Idk if I'm into the whole thing of calling it a "lifestyle choice" to lose weight or be healthy. It makes it sound like your changing the world or something... and you aren't. Lol. Idk I know its really about your own personal lifestyle that is the lifestyle choice your making... but idk. Its not that big of a change what I'm doing, and it probably won't be that big of a change... so I'm not calling it that... but it is helping me be more organized in my other endeavors. Like writing my 2 blogs, what I'm doing the next day, what I should be doing the next day... and if I carry it over if I don't get to it.

Right now, every day I've been writing "Keep track of food, work on resume, maybe film something for youtube (trying to start a channel... lol), post scribbles about life blog, post scribbles about beauty blog, things like that. And if I don't do it by the end of the day I'll circle it and write it for today. If I do it I'll cross it off the list and do other things. There are really small things like I've said, and really big things. Its just a good way to keep track of what I'm doing and what I need to do. I also like crossing things off. I would always do that with my homework at school and now I feel like I don't have any homework... so I'm kind of giving myself some homework. Now I do what I want! Its kind of cool actually lol.

I'm a writer, so I kind of like having this journal for things... but the reminder app is also really good. If you don't like to write, but like crossing things off, this is good. I would somehow keep note of how you felt that day because... maybe your stomachs been off for a bit and you don't want to be like "ohhh my gosh I had an upset stomach for like a week... I need to do something better." It just kind of helps me know whats going on with my body and stuff like that.

Plus some days you're going to have good work outs, eat really good and feel really good about yourself. Some days you won't feel as great about yourself... and its okay to not feel great! If you have your good moments, you can kind of compare those and see what you did right that day and fix what you did wrong maybe.

Now what I'm thinking... Idk maybe treating myself or something when I've accomplished some good goals. Like there is a purse I want that I can afford... maybe I'll hold off buying it until I've lost a lot of weight or had a good interview or something like that. Maybe just doing little things like watching a movie or painting your nails or something. Or food. Don't cheat for a week? Have a cheat day!

People say skinny tastes better than anything feels... but thats crap. People that say that haven't had a good pizza, donut, ice cream, cheesesteak, cookie... something like that. Lol. The list is endless on food that tastes better than most things in life. Plus we need food, you can survive healthily without being "skinny" and you can be "skinny" without being healthy. Skinny really shouldn't be a goal. Being Healthy and Happy should be a goal.

So... yeah. Those are my thoughts. We are still in the baby steps process, so idk if I have anything all that useful to say yet... but I'll update if I get there! This I'm writing the day after I wrote my first weight loss post and... yeah. This may or not be how I feel by next week... so yeah.


Full Disclosure: I'm not the queen of organization! This was supposed to be posted yesterday and it wasn't (there may be some talk of it being "weight loss wednesday" and today is thursday.)
