All Star of the week: Olay Fresh Effects Bb Cream

So I did my "Faces of the week" post on Monday and I wanted to kind of spotlight one product that I was most impressed by during the week.

I love wearing regular foundation. I love the Rimmel stay matte, I like some of the Loreal foundations, but it's summer time, I want something lighter that will still give me a bit of a glow and that perfect something is the Olay Fresh Effects Bb Cream.

Now this isn't just something I use in the summer, I love it in the winter because a lot of foundations cling to my dry patches and this moisturizers them. This just gives a nice little something extra to make my skin look alive and healthy, and because it's really a skin care item and not a makeup item, I feel like it actually does moisturize and help heal my skin.

This is also the first time I had really tried layering it with bronzers  and high lights and blushes and stuff and I think it does a fine job! Some foundations just look really bad with powder products on top of them, but this looks really good.

I'm not saying this is my favorite foundation or my favorite face product... It might not even be the thing I like most out of all of these products, but it is something I really love using and I think it's an all star this week. If I had to recommend any product I've used this week, it'd be this one.

Sooo yeah that is it. Let me know what you guys think of this product and whatnot. I will see you soon!

