Bad Experience With Wet n Wild's Website

I wasn't sure if I wanted to share this story or not... but I used to do Wet n Wild Wednesdays on social media... and I won't be doing those any more. I'm not sure that I'll be totally boycotting the brand... but it's not really the first brand that I'll be looking at anymore... and I definitely won't be ordering anything else from them online- unless they completely re-do it basically.

I placed a large order online with a 40% off coupon. I hadn't heard anything about them having a coupon, but sometimes it's like a thing they have but they don't really say they have... so I thought I might as well try some of their new products with the coupon code. And it worked! I had everything in my cart and the price reflected the discount with the coupon and when I checked out the price also reflected the discount with the coupon. When I got the receipt... the total reflected the full price without the coupon. Uh oh!

So- I contacted the email addresses that they say to email if you have any problems with your order. I explained the problem the way that I just explained it above- pretty clearly I thought... and I received an email back from them saying "Sorry unfortunately we can only add a coupon code 24 hours after the order."

So- I figured that they didn't understand my situation... because with that reply it really didn't even look like they had read it. My problem wasn't that I forgot to use the coupon code... I know I used the coupon code! I just was charged a different amount than what it said at checkout... so I thought I was dishonestly charged and that that was something they really should be able to take care of.

The email from them stuck to the "No- nothing I can do. You never used a coupon code." Which I know I did! I know I couldn't prove that I did... but still! I don't really think it's fair that I have to go out of my way to prove the stuff anyway.

I know that there is also a number that you can call for complaints too... and maybe I would have been able to get somewhere had I called the number... but at that point I was so upset with the situation and it just kind of left a bad taste in my mouth... so I didn't even really want to keep the items... cause that's just bad juju really. If I had gotten that BB Cream from the Pump Collection- I wouldn't be thinking "this is a good bb cream." I would be thinking "This makes me mad and now I'm in a bad mood because Wet n Wild pulled a Bait and Switch with their coupon!" And then I would probably just be in a bad mood for the rest of the day from that... so I asked if I could cancel the order... they said it had already shipped so I could only return it to sender in order to get a refund... so that's exactly what I did.

So... I don't think I'll be buying Wet n Wild any more. I just feel like that was dishonest and they've lost my trust a little... maybe it was just the website that I had a problem with more than the brand itself. So maybe it's like if someone's nasty to you at one store- you don't go to that store anymore but you'll go to the next closest location... so maybe I could still buy in store... but I feel like it just looks kind of bad for the brand and I think they have very good products that I do like to review... but it's definitely not something I'm going to seek out... I probably won't even really be posting much about them anymore... there are better ways to spend my money if this is something that they are going to do.

I'm sorry this is kind of a bummer of a post... I'm not really saying YOU shouldn't buy from them- I'm just kind of warning you about their online store. I think from now on- crazy as this sounds I'm going to take a picture of my total at checkout so that I have something to prove in case this happens again. They do still have great quality products at a low price... but that was just wrong.

