Decluttering Blog: 70 Lipsticks GONE!

Hey guys! Long time no see... but hopefully I'll be back for a while now. I just did a pretty major lipstick declutter and I wanted to share with you guys the process and what I've learned from it. 

So I was sort of inspired to do this from a few different things. I was cleaning my room and remembered that I wanted to do a declutter of some lipsticks because I had bought some vertical lipstick stands which make it really easy to see the names of all the lipsticks. I had also purchased a Bite Beauty Lipstick set that had like 40 mini lipsticks- so I pretty much have every color I would ever really need in a formula that I really like. A lot of the lipsticks were too old to keep or give away... so I just had to get rid of them.

My Method 

So I borrowed a little bit from what I saw from Marie Kondo's "Tidying Up" Netflix show. I know- everyone is kind of doing some version of this... and I'm not really following it the right way but it was just kind of my dipping my toe into a way of decluttering... and it was a really nice and easy way of decluttering. It's also kind of the most painless way to get rid of things. Marie Kondo uses the Konmari method- in which you take everything- put it in 1 pile and I asked myself if it sparked joy. If it did not I thanked the lipstick and then got rid of it. Honestly... I thought the thanking part was silly when I saw the first episode of "Tidying up" but don't skip it because it's very cathartic. Purchasing the lipstick did bring me joy... but owning it now no longer did... so it made it a lot easier to just thank the lipstick. Very painless. 

I also try to put things into perspective of "Who was I when I bought this item?" Was I in college? Was I in High School (I don't think I have anything from High School in my makeup collection lol). I kind of try to declutter as my life kind of changes because... it just makes good sense to me. I remember when I decluttered makeup a few years ago I remember getting rid of a lot of the brand NYC's makeup because I got it when I was in college and I had graduated a few years since then. 

I also take packaging into consideration too... again with that NYC makeup... it was badly packaged.The lipsticks opened up in my purse... the eye palette I had and the bronzer never closed right... it was just a bad brand packaging wise... they don't exist anymore in the states... but yeah. 

I did end up getting rid of a lot of free gifts, point perks, things that came in sets... things like that... but it wasn't all that. I did get rid of some high end lipsticks also. Kat Von D's Liquid Lipstick in the color Nosferatu is something I had wanted for forever when I got it. It was NEVER in stock at any sephora near me or online... I even put my email on the list for updates of when it would be in stock... and then I finally got it... but there were SOOO Many colors like it... and I liked the Ofra Miami Fever color better... and the formula for that better and it is very similar. So I never loved it as much as I loved hunting for it... and I don't like Kat Von D that much as a person... so this one had to go. I still do use Kat Von D makeup and I have lipsticks from her that I did keep... but this one was maybe the hardest to get rid of... but also the best to get rid of. 

What Will I Purchase In The Future? 
So I sort of learned that I have some brand loyalty with lipsticks... so I sort of know what I will and won't buy in the future. I do love most Maybelline lipsticks... so I've already bought some more of them. Rimmel's lipsticks smelled very powdery and I never ended up using them... so I went ahead and got rid of all of those. I don't think I'll be buying any more Wet n Wild in general... I think I'll wait till tomorrow to tell you guys that story... but I probably would buy them based off of quality... wouldn't buy the regular lipsticks because the packaging does suck... but yeah. I think I'll probably post more about the brands I like and would try more of... maybe I will even do a lipstick collection or something... let me know if that's something that you want because it's still substantial- but it is slightly smaller. So... yeah I think I can milk some posts for this! 

