2sday: 2 Beauty Steps I don't Usually Do (Plus One I've started doing more)

Alright... another late blog I came up with last minute... lol.

1) Brows 
Okay guys... I don't usually do my brows! Every once and a while I'll put a powder in them or a brow gel or something... but I just don't really do any makeup things to my eyebrows. I do pluck them and comb through them a lot... but I like the natural shape and fullness I have and I really don't need much else. I'm just happy with it!

2) Contouring/ Bronzing 
I do this on occasion but I rarely use contour or bronzer. I remember the days of the million contour palettes... I still have some from those days... I think just one from Tarte and it only has 2 contours and 4 highlights so... it's a good one that's more for me. But... idk I feel like my skin is so fair it just makes it look too fake. I know there are people with more fair skin with me that contour and bronze... but I just don't know. I'm not that makeup skilled.

I also kind of like the shape of my face... Idk I think with blush on the apples of my cheeks and highlight on top it looks really pretty and it makes me feel younger and like I sleep better than I do. Lol. It's pretty good overall!

And bronzing is something I do like to do from time to time... but it is a step I feel like I can skip out on. Doesn't make or break a makeup look... It's fun but not my favorite thing.


I didn't used to always wear concealer... I thought it kind of made me look older than I was. Now I AM older than I was and I feel like it works! Lol. I have no idea if it's age or if I'm using it better or something but either way... I'm good with concealer.

