Product I Changed My Mind About- Why I Stopped Using The Schmidt's Deodorant... But Don't Let That Stop You From Trying It!

Okay so I'm pretty sure I did a review on this deodorant a long time ago and I loved it back then- it really worked well and I still don't think it's a bad deodorant- I just kind of saw the product while looking on Ulta's website and then remembered my thoughts on it... so that's what I'll talk about. 

So it's the Schmidt's Natural Deodorant and I used the scent Rose and Vanilla. I'm not the biggest fan of Rose scented things, but this smelled really good and I liked the way it made me smell throughout the day. I've heard Natuaral deodorants sometimes take a while to work... I don't think this took a while I think it just worked really well and I felt like when I got sweaty it just smelled like the deodorant- not like sweat... which was good. It just worked well... until it stopped working for me. 

So I have eczema and every once and a while it gets irritated and I think this deodorant might have irritated my skin because I had very bad eczema under my arms. I'm not sure if that's exactly what caused it- but that was the only knew thing and the first area where the Eczema showed up at... so I was a little suspicious. I think the way the stick was itself was actually hurt me. The deodorant was more like an exfoliant than a cream deodorant and it doesn't fit in the stick of the deodorant that well- so I just felt like I was scraping my skin with the tube and I just didn't like it. I usually use Spray deodorant because I don't like when the stick gets to the bottom because it usually breaks and I just don't like that. So I've used Spray deodorant for years because of that. I use the Degree Motion Sense. 

And I also tried one from a brand called Jason (there's an accent mark over o so it's pronounced Jay- Son... idk why this is important but I feel like it makes a difference.) And that was a spray deodorant and it smelled fine and everything- but my underarms were also bothered by it. So it may have been the fragrance in it or something... I'm not sure but I've kind of stuck with my Degree Motion Sense since them... but now my under arms are also bothering me and I'm thinking of trying a lotion deodorant... I'm not sure if that would be better or not. I might just have sensitive underarms and eczema that gets irritated in the summer time. 

I don't want this review to really stop you from buying it... but I do think it really irritated my skin and I have to say I don't love the Schmidt deodorant texture and packaging I guess. 

Either way... that's why I stopped using it and I felt like I should talk about it because I kinda like doing random not makeup related blogs and I didn't actually use makeup last week... so yeah! 

