Was Going To Review The Conspiracy Palette... BUT...

Okay so this is shocking but... Jeffree Star is a bad person! I know right? 

So in the review I was going to post- I did mention the Cremated palette because that was the biggest controversy of the time. And I know cremated and deceased are just funny words he uses all the time that in context are not offensive... but even if the Cremated palette wasn't released during a pandemic- it would have been offensive. People die every day... a lot of his fans could have been excited for the palette while grieving a loss and then see the name "cremated" and get offended... that would have happened in a pandemic or not. So him saying that he "came up with the name before the pandemic" is kind of a bullshit excuse because it is still kind of offensive and insensitive. Plus when people said they were offended by the name he just called everyone "haters" and... they weren't. A lot of his fans were offended by it to... it's not just because of hate it's because the name is actually terrible. 

And he's never held accountable for any of his actions... and he should be honestly. He's said and done a lot of terrible things- they're circulating all over twitter. This is a teen vogue article from 2 years ago with Jackie Aina explaining why she won't be using his makeup. The article shows him using the N word and it also says that there's a video where Jeffree referred to Jackie as a gorilla. Interesting thing to note that the article is from October of 2018- earlier in 2018 Roseanne Barr was fired from her own tv show for comparing a woman of color to a gorilla... I don't see why youtube couldn't just drop his partnership? 

And a lot of interactions with his fans that call him out- he just blocks them. This is why he has such a mob mentality when it comes to his page because he doesn't allow anyone to say anything negative about him. 

 I have seen a lot of really great youtubers use their platform as a whole. I didn't really expect Jessica Braun or Emily Noel83 to talk about anything and they both did and they both donated ad revenues of different videos they had to a good cause. I haven't watched Jessica Braun's video yet- it's a declutter and I have to really sit down and watch those... but in Emily Noel 83's video she used all black owned beauty brands- and I've seen a lot of other vloggers do this. Jackie Aina started the challenge a few years ago and I've seen some from Stephanie Nicole and Frugieblog to name a couple. I think Kathleenlights did a video on it recently too... there are a lot. 

But with those youtubers being good... there are also a lot who just start drama to start drama. A lot of times there's a makeup release tied to it and honestly it must be exhausting. I feel like a lot of beauty channels have kind of transitioned out of only doing beauty videos so that they wouldn't have to deal with all the drama and all of the ridiculous stuff that goes with it. 

I also don't like youtubers that aren't really addressing anything. I don't want to name names here because I feel like maybe this youtuber will eventually do something to address the issues at hand-and part of the vlog was titled "not sharing your opinion." If you've figured out who the youtuber is by that- don't send her hate... it's not like you can she turned off commenting but I don't think she deserves hate. But she talked about a bunch of things for an hour or so in this vlog and then she said she wasn't going to state her opinion on what's going on because "people should know her opinion" and "she doesn't have a political platform so she doesn't need to address it" and "her channel is an escape from reality." And... while that's nice to think... but really? REALLY? I'm sorry but no- 1) she talked about covid 19... so that's not much of an escape from reality. 2) I feel like the fact that people think of Black Lives Matter as a political movement just shows that there's problems with politics. 3) I don't really think we should have an escape from reality from this. I think that mentality leads us to forget what happened and it won't allow us as a society to change. 

So what am I going to do to help? I don't have that much of a platform- but I will stop buying makeup brands like this and I'll probably do some more research about it. I also want to try more black owned beauty brands and brands that have better shade ranges for darker skins because although I have very light skin... I don't like recommending a product that doesn't have a shade for everyone. Luckily- a lot of black owned brands actually have great selections for lighter skintones so thats really good. Also I don't follow the beauty community that closely anyway right now... but I'm not going to fall for all the drama anymore. Plus I'm happy to be an ally and I feel more free to voice my opinion here now. 

So it is nearly 3am for me as I'm writing this and I hope that kind of made some sense. I'd also like to state that this is coincidental but 53 years ago this week it was deemed unconstitutional for states to ban interracial marriages. And as someone in an interracial couple, this is obviously very important to me! 

