Upcoming fun posts + Fun Blog/IG to follow.

Heyyy guys! I have a lot of reviews/ first impressions and stuff going on soon... but I want to let you guys know some things to expect from here soon... and if you like these things, let me know, if you don't then maybe I won't do so many of these.

I have a few reviews coming up... I have a haul that will be up soon and I've tested a lot of the products for a long time, so that should be fun. Idk what I'll be posting later today... but there will be something!

I've also tried something new from Origins... that'll be up really soon.

I think I've mentioned I'm going to Atlantic City on Thursday and I'm super excited... I'll have a post of what I'm packing and the end of my haul will be related to that I think. I haven't gone shopping quite yet.

Faces of the week is coming back! Super excited about that! Also I have a Style Saturday post coming up... and I think I'll do some more of those coming up.

One thing I haven't written yet... but I'm going to soon is do more make up collection/storage type things. And Beauty Storage. I have a lot of beauty things stored in ways that are kind of different than a lot of people probably. I may not go through everything I have... but for a smaller collection... its pretty large and I think it might be cool to know how I store everything and... its helpful. This storage took me quite a while to kind of come up with too, so I'm happy that its kind of set up and its a little different... this will probably be a series. I'll try to post one every 2 weeks or something? I think it'll be easy to do I'm excited about.

Also I've been trying to do nail posts every Sunday. Thats going to continue a little bit at least. I'm not great at nail art... but I don't have perfect nails and you don't have to really be perfect to still have nails that look really cute! And I like that! Lol.

And... Shoutout to one of my best friends in the entire world and all around one of my favorite people Cristina. She just started a really cool Instagram and Blog... that I wish I thought of first! Lol. I'm gonna be honest I'm so jealous of her because creatively this blog is really awesome and I'd love it even if it wasn't her doing this! She's taking Selfies every day... and just talking a little bit about her day! So simple and just cool. You can read her blog here her IG handle is aselfieadayproject and you can see her Instagram here. She doesn't know I'm posting this... hopefully she'll be cool with me posting this... lol. She's a beautiful person and her face is one you'll like to see every day. So yeah.

I'm in a good mood. I feel like I got a lot done, blogwise today... well yesterday by now... and I'm feeling quite accomplished. Just a good feeling to have as a blogger. When you have all these fun ideas and things storming around in your head and starting to become a reality. Its just really cool and that is why I like creating things mostly!

Hope you guys are having a good night! I'm gonna go to bed!



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