Spa Sunday: My Bath Products of The Week

 Okay- so this week there are a few bath products I've been using and I figured I'd share them with everyone! 

First off my Mad Optimist Order Came in and I AM SO EXCITED! I've been using the Chalet All Day Epsom Salts lately it's Clove and Cedarwood and it smells really nice! I just like it a lot. It doesn't give me the sensation the way the Freshly Minted one did... but I still really like it and it's calming and it does kind of soothe my head the way the Freshly Minted did. 

And then I have 2 different shower gels I had been using with it. The first one was Snowflakes and Cashmere from Bath and Body Works and the other also from Bath and Body works was the Cedarwood Vanilla Aromatherapy Shower Gel from Bath and Body Works. Both of these scents are kind of warmer scents that just really go well with the Cedarwood notes in the Epsom Salt and they make it a little bit sweeter. I like using the Aromatherapy shower gel as a bubble bath too. Either one of these just make for a nice relaxing bath... especially for winter when you just want to feel nice, warm and cozy! 


