Weekly Favorites: Week of 11/9/14

So this week my favorites were kinda the same as last week's but I'll share anyway because why not.

I've been using a lot of Maybeline Color Tattoos this week and I've been liking them. Last week I had my Lorac Behind the Scenes primer as one of my favorites... and I can't find it so I've been using color tattoos and they work really well. A lot of mine are drying out unfortunately... but they're still usable pretty much and I still used them... lol.

And since I ran out of the Lorac primer I purchased the Urban Decay Primer Potion. I like it. I can't tell if I prefer using actual primers better than using cream shadows or not... but I like this particular primer, so that works.

I did a review yesterday on some lip balms that I got from the Revo Brand at Wallgreens and my favorite of the bunch is the Candy Corn flavor. It just smells so much like Rice Crispies! It is amazing! I've really been enjoying that! These are limited edition... but my Wallgreens still had a bunch, idk if all wallgreens will have them... but if you see them snatch the white candy corn one up!

I don't think I've mentioned this at all, but I have a favorite combo of leg products right now. The Bath and Body Works True Blue Spa Shave The Day Shave Cream is the best shave cream that exists. It is so hydrating and amazing feeling. I stopped buying it for a while because its expensive and there are cheaper ones that work almost as good... but now that I'm using this again I feel such a difference and I love it.

The second part of that combo is the Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Repair Lotion. I was sent this by Influenster- which is a company that sends things in the mail for free if you take surveys and qualify for certain programs- and they've sent me some good things in the past and this is also really great. I have very dry skin and this is really good at moisturizing. My parents have tried it out too and they've liked it and its just been working really really well.

Speaking of moisture, my mom got this Cetaphil lotion in a tub and I've been using that after I wash my hands and it really helps lock in the moisture and it is really great. So I've been enjoying that.

Ohhh back to make up a little bit, I've been using the Lorac Pro 2 palette pretty much everyday this week... and at first I was kind of underwhelmed with it, but now I really have to say I've come up with so many great looks and I've been liking it a lot.

And my fashion favorite for the week is probably Beanies! I've been having a few crazy hair days recently... which happens in the winter from time to time, especially because my hair gets a little more dry. I feel like with a beanie on it just looks cute and covers up the messyness of it all. Plus I have a few really warm beanies so that is a plus also!

Ohhh and another one! My sparkly Ugg Boots! I love these. I love Uggs and I have a sparkly black pair that are so pretty. I have another knit pair that are really warm too and I'm thinking of asking for another pair for Christmas too... idk but I like these a lot and I've been wearing them quite a lot too.

So that is everything. Hope you guys are having a great month so far! And tomorrow starts my Holiday How-Tosdays so I am excited! Yayyy!

