I'm DONE: Schmiddt's Deodorant Review

So I thought I would change the name of "I Finished It" to "I'm DONE" because it sounds more dramatic. And I thought that leaves it a little vague as to whether or not I liked it or I repurchased it or not. Am I done with the product as a whole or am I done with all other products and I'll only buy this one from now on! Keep reading to find out!

Why Did I Buy This? 

So I'm not really a fan of Stick Deodorant to be honest... and this was a stick deodorant... so I was kind of taking a chance. It's been a while since I've used one... I much prefer the spray because I'm a little messy with Sticks... usually they end up falling out on my floor before I finish it up and it makes a huge mess... so that's why I tend to go with the sprays.

So I know what you're thinking "These are not reasons to buy something, Shannon... you literally just described things you don't like" and that's true... but I also like the idea of things being Cruelty free and natural... I'd like to eventually going entirely cruelty free and a good deodorant is a must have for this. I also had a coupon at the store that I bought this at... which idk if it worked with because this wasn't a beauty store and idk if their beauty items were included in coupons... but still!

Where To Find It 

Speaking of where I got this from... I got it from Aerie. They only had one scent which was Rose and Vanilla and I believe on the website it said it was $10 and excluded from Coupons... I'm not 100% sure though!

I also know that they sell this at Wholefoods... they had all sorts of different scents- I might be making this up but I think they might have had sprays too? Wholefoods is owned by Amazon- so I would imagine you could buy it on Amazon also... just double check that its an authorized retailer and you aren't buying it from a third party because... ick! Lol.

The Scent 
The scent was actually really nice. It definitely smelled more floral than vanilla-y but I think the Vanilla made it smell a little less like a mature type of scent. Sometimes floral things have too mature of a scent and it can tend to be kind of strong... I think the Rose kind of balanced that a little bit. It was something I could still smell throughout the day... If my perfume had worn off- I didn't really smell sweaty or bad... I just kind of smelled like this deodorant. Which I liked! It didn't really interfere with my perfume or body spray... but it was something I could still smell.

The Texture 
The Texture was odd... it was a little more like a scrub than a traditional deodorant that I'm used to at least. It was also really messy... it seemed like a little bit was outside of the lid... so that was a little odd. But I think maybe a) It's because it was natural but also b) it made it last better on my skin than a traditional deodorant- or the spray that I'm used to.

Did It Last Throughout The Day? 
Like I said with the scent... I really think it did! I was super impressed because I haven't heard many good things about natural deodorants... but this one lasted in the heat and when I did a lot of walking. I thought it was really good... I know everyone has different body scents and pH balances... so my experience might not be the same as anyone else's... but I really thought it worked well for me.

Did it Stain My Clothes? 
No!!!! Huge selling point! It's not really a color so I don't think it can stain your clothes!

How Long Did It Last? 
It only lasted about a month... which I guess is good for a deodorant... but because this was expensive I thought maybe it would last a little longer... so for that I don't think it's perfect. Again... maybe that's just my experience with it- I know people probably use less or maybe even more than I do... but I was a little disappointed in that.

Would I Repurchase? 
Not right away... right now I have a pack of Degree Spray Deodorants from BJ's... I like that they sell those in bulk for a reasonable price... and those I believe last me longer than a month... so yeah. I might wait till winter to make sure the deodorant doesn't melt in the heat or anything... but I liked it enough that I'll definitely consider repurchasing sometime... maybe even trying a different scent or something! Would definitely recommend this too... maybe see if you can get it for less than $10 anywhere because that seems like a high price if that's the real price... but still! I'd recommend it because it's a good product and it worked!


