Monday Musts: March 23rd 2015

Idk if I have a whole lot of musts this week because I was trying out so many different things that I have to do fuller reviews on and I still need to test them more... but I'll do a mixture of things I guess? Idk really. Lol. I don't even know where to start here.

First off Lacey Lilac nail polish from Sally Hansen's Extreme wear line. This is one of the best nail polish formula's I have and I feel like this is such an underrated product. There was a ton of hype around the old Pacific Blue formula, and that is an amazing color and formula and it is one of the best ever... if not the best it is actually probably the best and I'm so mad that they changed it... but Lacey Lilac is just as good as that. If you like that really pretty lilac color for spring, this is a really nice one. Mint Sorbet is also really great... probably my favorite Mint polish that I own... but this was really good this week.

I also did a little St. Patrick's Day Nail Art that I thought was really cute even though I didn't do a great job and I fell in love with Essie's Mint Mojito again. This is such a nice polish. I don't love the formula of Essie and this isn't one of my favorite formulas... but it is really good and easy to work with for Essie. And its really pretty and a nice unique green color... in my collection at least.

Another rediscovered favorite is the Not Your Mothers Beach Bum texturizing cream and the sea salt spray also. I just got my hair cut shorter again and my hairdresser used a textruizing cream from Ouidad that had sea salt in it I believe... so I thought I would break this out again. I think this might make my hair a little dry... but if I use it with the Ouidad products I already use, I think I'll be fine. I know I probably should just get the Ouidad one... but thats expensive and that also might make my hair dry... so I'm just going to see what happens with these and hopefully it won't dry my hair out too much. I think my sister may have the sea salt stuff from Ouidad in her room... I may compare the ingredients just to see... idk. This is a good brand though.

L'oreal's Infallible Silkissime liner in Highlighter. It is a pretty Rose Gold color that I've been wearing pretty much every day this week. I've really been liking rose gold lately and this just seemed like I needed it in my life.

I've actually been liking Ulta's Twice as Nice Mascara and their Blush and Bronzer duo a lot this week too. I think I'm going to do a fuller review on some of the Ulta products I purchased/ got as freebies pretty soon... but I have a lot of reviews coming out soon, been trying a lot of new stuff from the drugstore especially... so yeah.

And I think that is it... there are some things I'm still testing out. Right now I like the L'oreal La Palette 2 and the Maybeline Nudes palettes a lot... but they aren't quite favorites just yet... so yeah. You will find out more about them soon. Lol.

