6 (and a Half) Tips and Tricks for Beauty Bloggers on a Low Buy.

So I think I'm going to go on a low buy until my birthday/ the VIB Sale. My birthday is October 16th, so about a month from now and the VIB sale was on November 6th for Rouge members and November 13th for VIB... and I know Ult2a last year had a 20% off coupon sometime around Halloween too... so those are the sales that are coming up that I'm planning on holding out for. Plus there are exciting holiday releases and stuff... there's a lot that I want and I'd rather get it on sale and maybe go big than buy stuff now just to review on my blog. That being said... I want stuff from Bath and Body Works, I want the Electric Palette now that its on sale, I want those little L'oreal 4 pan palettes... the 21 days of beauty is going on... there are lots of things maybe I'll get... but for right now... lets stick to the idea of a "low buy" along with some tips and tricks that might be helpful to bloggers especially.

1) Shop Your Stash- 
If you're like me... you probably have a pretty big collection and maybe there is something that used to be a "holy grail" product that you haven't used in a really long time. It might be time to show that some love because you would be surprised that its still just as amazing as you remembered it. The It Cosmetics Celebration palette was my big rediscovery. The palette is just as good now as it was when I first got it and I still love it just as much. And I probably wouldn't have used it too much more if I kept buying and buying new things.

As a blogger, this is a good strategy as well. There are lots of people that are still like "should I get the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette" or "I'm thinking of getting the Naked 3, should I do it?" so if you have those palettes, use them a little more! It might not be the newest thing that everyone is looking for. As I said, I'm thinking of getting the Electric palette, I would like to see some looks with that because that's a hard one to figure out how to use! Plus there are always dupes of these things coming out, so maybe if someone has the Covergirl Roses palette, they could do the same Naked 3 look with that. Or something along those lines.

2) Review Old Favorites With a New Purpose 
This might be a little more tricky... and its harder to explain... so I'm just going to give an example. I have the Milani Rose blush in Romantic Rose. And its a great matte, understated neutral blush and that's how I would always review it on my instagram... but then I went away for the weekend and I realized that its also great for travel because it goes with just about any look, and its matte so it almost acts as a contour as well.

There are different tricks for different products and its something to always be on the lookout for different ways to use the same thing. There are bronzers that work well as blushes and as eyeshadows... There's a lot that you can do with a little bit of stuff. Plus there are so many good combos to find that you can find within your collection.

3) Come up with a new "series" 
So on youtube I know some youtubers have a series of videos based off of a single palette or something like that. I feel like my blog has sort of a "series" also. I have a schedule I try to stick to, like I always like to have a Monday Musts post, I try to do a How-Tosday or a Topic Tuesday. I have my Fragrance Freak Friday posts, Palette Smackdowns, and I think I'm going to have more coming up. I have a blush series planned, I might try doing a lot of How-Tosdays on the same palette... I also have something planned for Halloween and for Christmas. And I want to do some more 10 products, 10 looks, 10 days... You can still post every day if you want even on a low or no buy.

4) Project Pan 
Project pans are really really hard... but there are ways to make it a little bit easier. Like I mentioned, the 10 Products, 10 Looks, 10 Days thing... I noticed there was a little bit of almost pan when I was using the same things every day. So if you just use the same thing consistently for a little while, you'll notice your palette is showing the love. And that was something I wasn't really expecting when I did the 10 looks, 10 products 10 days thing... so that was kind of a cool bonus.

5) Write about Non-Makeup Products 
I also think maybe expanding your blog or youtube channel to maybe a little bit more than just makeup products would also help. Fashion posts, crafty things, storage... maybe some inner beauty posts or tips. This is a little bit tough for me because I do have another blog that I would probably post more non beauty related stuff on. When I started this blog I remember doing a room decor haul on here... which I guess would still fit on here, and I suppose any sort of DIY stuff would work here... but if I wanted to do a cooking post or something (which I don't cook... but maybe I will one day) I'll post it over there. But I have my Style Saturdays and my Fragrance Freak Friday posts... so it all works out more or less. I think home decor still makes sense on this blog... and Crafty things make sense here I guess... I'm not a crafty person, but maybe I'll try doing some crafty things around christmas or halloween.

6) Don't Buy Things Just Because They're On Sale- 
Think about whether or not you really want something before you get it just because its on sale. I can tend to impulse-buy things, especially during events like the 21 days of beauty... I like to think "Okay did I ever really want this and was the price what was preventing me from buying it? Or was it something else?" Too Faced recently had a sale with their Love Flush Blushes and I kind of thought of that... but it wasn't the price so much preventing me from buying that palette, I don't really love the love flush blushes... they aren't my favorite. I don't know.

6 and 1/2) Don't go on a total No Buy if you don't think you can do it
This is just a small tip so I'm going to say this is just a half tip... if you don't think you can do a total no buy... don't do it! Don't set yourself up for failure... because it isn't easy to do a total no buy... that is why I wanted to make sure this was titled "Low Buy" instead of No Buy. Its hard to buy stuff quite often and then just stop cold turkey.

So those are my 6 and a Half tips for doing a Low Buy... especially if you're a beauty blogger. If you want some inspiration I would recommend EmilyNoel83's channel. She does a lot of "out of the box" type of videos where she's doing something different than everyone else. Her Easy eye week and her "quad" challenge and things like that. Those inspired me to sort of go back to my wet n wild trios that I've been neglecting. She has good ideas that you can sort of cater to your own tastes and do your own thing with them... so that's pretty cool! I always feel more inspired and a little more proud of what I post when I'm not just reviewing all the newest things... so I like no buys! I think they come in handy!

